HYBE has already decided on a new CEO for Adore.

New Adore management already decided
It seems that future plans for New Jenes are also being discussed by HYBE.

  1. "What should we do about New Jeans?"
  2. "Of course, they probably already made all their decisions and messed things up..."
  3. "So annoying."
  4. "Who do they think they are, damn it."
  5. "Feels uncomfortable."
  6. "They just want to swallow up the already completed New Jeans. New Jeans has a lot of Min Hee-jin's influence (Don't mess with investments)."
  7. "Who are those old guys again?"
  8. "They're crazy."
  9. "They don't even have the ability, what are they going crazy about?"
  10. "Seriously, HYBE is so disgusting. Stealing ideas and stuff..."
  11. "The guys who should leave don't leave, damn."
  12. "Surprising."
  13. "Damn bastards."
  14. "Are they just going to do whatever they want?"
  15. "Wasn't Min Hee-jin supposed to be able to drag this out for years with a lawsuit?"
  16. "☞15 comments, Being able to do that outside the market doesn't mean it's easy to defend against impeachment... fundamentally, legally throwing out something that the majority of a corporation wants to do is weak. I also hope Min Hee-jin wins, but it's going to be a very difficult fight."
  17. "So annoying..."
  18. "They must have planned to ruin it."
  19. "Disgusting."
  20. "Damn, I can't support HYBE anymore. I can imagine a room laughing between the pretty and cool idols. Yeah, this is how it ends up."
  21. "How do you even send those old guys' vibes to New Jinse, damn."
  22. "They'll probably give it to their acquaintances again lol."
  23. "The more this happens, the more HYBE's image will plummet... What exactly is the justification for firing them?"
  24. "HYBE will just fail."
  25. "Preliminary injunction... I hope it doesn't happen... I hope they're barred from exercising their voting rights."
  26. "What about New Jinse...? Even with Min Hee-jin, they're trying to debut teams and create group identities..."
  27. "How will HYBE plan New Jinse's future when they can't even match Min Hee-jin's capabilities?"
  28. "Already worried about the next New Jinse album..."
  29. "There's a possibility of a preliminary injunction, so isn't HYBE going all out with PT stuff~ or something like that? Please, Min Hee-jin, win..."
  30. "☞Comment 29, let's just wait until the 17th."
  31. "Personally, I see New Jeans's current image as 99% Min Hee-jin's competence... if HYBE's color is imposed, that distinctive feeling will completely disappear, which worries me."
  32. "They probably brought her in to flatter Bang Si-hyuk."
  33. "Jinze is disgusting, revolting."
  34. "HYBE is really f**ked up."
  35. "Wow... they're just gulping it down lol."
  36. "Seriously, it's like Japan."
  37. "Oh my, what's up with the New Jeans.. Min Hee-jin's sensitivity is over 90%."
  38. "Another feeling of dislike is surfacing within me."
  39. "They don't even have the ability, lol, just fail."
  40. "Is this really happening...?"
  41. "Why does it look like it's overlapping with the Line incident? It's so gloomy, just like Japan."
  42. "Japan is going crazy trying to swallow up Line, damn smart."
  43. "They really have no conscience and no sense."
  44. "They probably already planned everything when they were manipulating the media with articles."
  45. "Ah ㅠㅠㅠ New Jeans ㅠㅠㅠㅠ It looks like they're really going to part ways like this."
  46. "Their incompetence is f**king violent."
  47. "They'll probably forcibly insert another strange old guy vibe."
  48. "I really hope HYBE fails^^"
  49. "The company is really running smoothly~~ lol If it fails, that's good."
  50. "Even the Aileet seems like a substitute..."
  51. "Protect New Jeans...."
  52. "Of course, it was probably like this from the beginning... damn, this can't happen."
  53. "I knew this would happen, they were so urgent, acting like gangsters."
  54. "Damn sons of b**ches."
  55. "I actually think that if a preliminary injunction is used, Min Hee-jin will probably succeed in defending herself first... Otherwise, there's no reason for HYBE to do this nonsense.... The mouse will win~~~"
  56. "☞55 comments, The mouse never dies."
  57. "It's so bleak... damn it, is there no way to help Min Hee-jin and New Jinseㅜㅠㅠㅠ"
  58. "Of course, that's how it was going to be, that's why they started."
  59. "I hope HYBE goes down... I pray for New Jeans's safe escapeㅠㅠㅠㅠ"
  60. "Disgusting, seriously. Well, it's even more annoying when stupid people gather together, and the company doesn't just easily fail, damn it's even worse."
  61. "Damn, it's disgusting, I really hope the preliminary injunction is used."
  62. "Ah, it's frustrating..."
  63. "They're really trash."
  64. "When starting a business, don't they usually decide on a nominee and then just go ahead with it?"
  65. "The relationship is completely messed up, so I thought Min Hee-jin would leave anyway, but if Bang messes with New Jeans, I get really pissed off."
  66. "Cheering for Min Hee-jin."
  67. "Seriously, the sneaky nature of the Japanese side trying to swallow up Line is just disgusting. I wonder what disgusting old guy they'll bring in this time."
  68. "Damn it, HYBE, just go to hell, seriously."
  69. "The likelihood of using a preliminary injunction is very low, according to existing precedents."
  70. "Haha, I pray for New Jeans's safe escape... They're stuck between those old guys and only suffering."
  71. "HYBE deserves to fail."
  72. "I support several HYBE boycotts."
  73. "HYBE must fail."
  74. "This is ridiculous, seriously."
  75. "Who the hell are they anyway???"
  76. "The thought of New Jeans being messed with is unimaginable."
  77. "I wish I could just kill this bastard and that pig in Yongsan on the same day."
  78. "I feel sorry for New Jeans."
  79. "They've probably already decided on a nominee by now. They should have changed it on the 31st lol..."
  80. "I'm going to boycott even if I'm alone. Going to Spotify."
  81. "You bastards. Let New Jeans go too, damn it."
  82. "Please, let New Jeans go, please."
  83. "If New Jeans leaves, what's the point? lol"
  84. "It's hopeless, it's all over."
  85. "HYBE, the king of ruining careers."
  86. "No, New Jeans..."
  87. "Damn assholes, just leave already."
  88. "If Min Hee-jin leaves, HYBE's downfall is just a matter of time... The stock will drop even more. I escaped last week... Those who want to escape, escape. Institutions and foreigners are selling a lot. Only ants are buying."
  89. "This is insane, I'm really pissed off."
  90. "HYBE is going to fail soon."
  91. "I don't have much hope for the management coming with that pig's vision..."
  92. "If Min Hee-jin leaves, I'll boycott HYBE."
  93. "Please, old guys, just leave..."
  94. "I'm worried they'll try even harder to ruin New Jeans. It's so sneaky."
  95. "I feel sorry for New Jeans ㅠㅠ"
  96. "It's disgusting, really.."
  97. "This is ridiculous, really. They'll probably pick someone who can't do anything but suck up to the higher-ups."
  98. "It's really like s**t."
  99. "I applaud myself for not buying HYBE stocks."
  100. "I hate HYBE so much, seriously."
  101. "Don't mess with New Jeansㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ"
  102. "Hmm... Even if Min Hee-jin gets fired as she wishes, I feel like New Jeans, being a culmination of her identity, wouldn't want to lose its color, so she'd continue to work, create concepts, produce, and manage the artists... Bang Si-hyuk is really mean. A bad guy. A dirty guy. A bad guy. Why is he like that? Just because he didn't like something someone did, he gathers everything, finds fault with everything, and tries to bring it all down. We all remember that. It's really like trash."
  103. "Let New Jeans go."
  104. "Ha, this is really terrible."
  105. "Damn it."
  106. "It's disgusting how they pretend to support New Jeans. Where's the betrayal, the usurpation of power??"
  107. "Damn bastards."
  108. "Ah, f***, how can they bully New Jeans just because of some minor issues?"
  109. "Ha... I don't want to see Bang Si-hyuk participating in New Jeans's music production. Please leave them alone with their unique label."
  110. "Just looking at the current atmosphere, if Min Hee-jin leaves, they'll probably bully New Jeans like crazy... s***..."
  111. "Damn it."
  112. "I don't have good feelings towards Min Hee-jin, but I think the members would want to work with her."
  113. "Damn it, let New Jeans go too, you guys."
  114. "But if they set up their own company, wouldn't there be many places willing to help (or support or collaborate) or invest? I feel like they'll take them away."
  115. "☞114 comments, If they leave together, I'll support them."
  116. "☞114 comments, If they did that, I'd support them."
  117. "☞114 comments, Please, if they left together... is that possible??? 😭"
  118. "Such tyranny, seriously."
  119. "It's disgusting."
  120. "They probably don't care about public opinion since they're doing well anyway. And it's not like fans of other affiliated artists will boycott them anyway..."
  121. "I wonder which old guy they'll bring in next lol"
  122. "They'll probably bring in someone from the gaming industry again."
  123. "Damn bastards, go to hell."
  124. "It's unimaginable if it's not Min Hee-jin but New Jeans..."
  125. "Girls Never Die, Conjee Never Dies."
  126. "Feels like he's crazy, that guy;;"
  127. "I'm most worried about New Jeans."
  128. "What should we do about New Jeans... I'm losing my mind... 😭"
  129. "Even though I tried to pass it over, lol, every time I see Conjee winning, it makes me laugh lol. It's true that Conjee wins. Min Hee-jin is just not Conjee."
  130. "What should we do about New Jeans."
  131. "They're probably going to bring in another employee from the gaming industry lol."
  132. "Just leave New Jeans alone, damn it."
  133. "You bastards, go away, please don't mess with New Jinse, damn it."
  134. "But Hybe is just trying to set the mood with this, right? Let's see what happens in the preliminary injunction lawsuit lol. It feels like Hive is feeling intimidated, lol."
  135. "K-pop is really falling into disgrace."
  136. "Please let New Jeans go."
  137. "These people are really annoying."
  138. "I'm so pissed off."
  139. "This company is crazy."
  140. "Awww 🩵Min Hee-jin 🩵 New Jeans, I'll support you till the end. I love the New Jinse team led by the Great Bunny. How much comfort do I get from them? 🐰"


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