HYbe submitted an edited KakaoTalk message s to the court today

Regarding the blurred KakaoTalk that Hive plans to submit to the interrogation
on this day, "The content of third-party conversations was extracted
through forensics from the company's computer, and there is no consent from
creditors or third parties," and "They are trying to show it by arbitrarily editing
and patching it together." “He stated.
He also raised his voice, saying, “The audit itself was carried
out in an inappropriate state, and the fact that it would use
content that was not even agreed upon is evidence that the evidence
is weak.” On this day, Hive's blurred KakaoTalk contents
were reviewed privately to prevent third-party viewing due
to privacy issues.

From the beginning, it was released in a blurred and edited state, but it was stopped.
Then, when it was marked as private to prevent third-party viewing, it was leaked to a YouTuber.


  1. After leaving Min Hee-jin, I found out that Hive and Rekka are close. Lol.
  2. Seeing people who really believe, I guess Bang Si-hyuk didn't waste his money. Lol.
  3. But if what was said is true, is it really a big deal to work with a woman? I'm a bit disappointed... even though he's a woman himself...
  4. Huh...? So, the private KakaoTalk messages extracted from the computer are true? Then, what was private was that? Rekka wrote that Min Hee-jin still hasn't handed over the laptop while opening the KakaoTalk, right?...
  5. Oh, did Hive manipulate it and pass it directly to Rekka? Then Rekka couldn't even see the original.
  6. It's ridiculous, shameful, and sincerely ridiculous that Enter 3 is associated with Rekka.
  7. I'm not familiar with the law, but can you use personal conversations of employees who illegally read them as evidence? Will the court adopt that? Lol. I felt more evil than the content.
  8. How far is Hive showing the bottom?
  9. It's pitiful, Hive...
  10. It's a bottom that can't even be expressed by the word manipulation.
  11. It's shocking that they're digging up personal conversations that have nothing to do with embezzlement and misappropriation.
  12. Manipulating is disgusting.
  13. But even if it's understandable that they couldn't reveal what they didn't see, why did they reveal it to Rekka????? There are many Hive media outlets such as Dispatch, Ten Asia, and Osen, right? These guys are at least journalists who have written articles, so why did they pass information to the trash Rekka?
  14. There are probably more people pretending to believe. Lol.
  15. It's severe.
  16. Is this a professional article? Where does it say that the content was distorted?
  17. The press conference itself was a huge show. Ugh, frustrating...
  18. Then Min Hee-jin probably has the original, right? Whether you sue or expose the original, go ahead.
  19. I think they submitted it knowing that the evidence wouldn't be adopted. Lol. Just submitting it to court makes the manipulated KakaoTalk seem like meaningful evidence.
  20. Wow, they blurred it out and submitted it to court...?????
  21. It's destroying common sense. Why are they spraying something that doesn't help them at all?
  22. So, not showing the original is advantageous content? Lol, it's really amazing.
  23. Si-hyuk's wives' claims are chilling. Should I gather and compare them? Each one of them says, 'But that's true, isn't it? I'm disappointed.'
  24. They submitted the evidence to the court with blurring...?????
  25. Blurring in court evidence is true...
  26. <The author's lie> Two versions, the original and partially blurred, were presented to the judge in court. Min Hee-jin's side did not agree, so it was not disclosed.
  27. The more you do, the more you wonder why? Just stop it.
  28. The fact that there was no subject from the beginning seemed like manipulation.
  29. It's disgusting what they're doing... lol. It's so disgraceful to be associated with Rekka YouTubers. It's too low, I'm contemptuous.
  30. They say they reconstructed and rearranged third-party conversations forensically. If they say they didn't submit the original and just did blurring and manipulation, they could slip in conversations that didn't exist. But when you see comments that react as if it was a fact, are they trying to create public opinion like that? The logic is similar. Manipulating and distorting evidence from the start is perjury and evidence tampering.
  31. What... they submitted the manipulated evidence even in court?
  32. Oh, this is really not... Wow, this is too much...
  33. They didn't submit the original.
  34. Seeing Hive's actions, Min Hee-jin might be used for an injunction, lol. They were kicked out in court for submitting blurring and manipulation. Lol. Then, not even the original, they leak information to Rekka, reconstruct it, and manipulate public opinion.
  35. It's pathetic in itself.
  36. Other agencies are going to U.S. courts to get rid of Rekka, but Hive involves Rekka in a dirty fight. Lol. 100 journalists transcribed that Rekka content and f***. Cancer of kpop / Boycott Hive
  37. What kind of lawyer submits both the original and tampered evidence together... Lawyers are just tools, huh?
  38. Rekka is involved with Hive... Some agencies are worse than the desertion camp.
  39. It was submitted to the court, so it's not available for third-party viewing, right?
  40. Min Hee-jin has consistently claimed this. Hive only releases some KakaoTalk messages with provocative titles to create misunderstandings. They even manipulate them. They stopped me because they knew that garbage like that wouldn't pass. They're benefiting from this anyway, whether the defamation is successful or not.
  41. Why are they at the level of Kim & Jang? Why submit something that's not the original? Lol. Isn't it just giving up because there's no evidence of fraud? Lol.
  42. If it's not true, Min Hee-jin's side will press charges. And that content might have been recovered from the company's desktop through forensic analysis. But they often make groundless remarks. Let's just criticize them all.
  43. Pathetic.
  44. How much do you want to believe in Hive to act like this while pretending not to know about everything else... They belong in a cafe with their insides.
  45. Min Hee-jin's ugliness is all exposed, and Hive hasn't done anything right... only the members end up pitiful.Mincheonji are experts at turning a blind eye to the truth while being deaf and blind.
  46. Those who believe in such people are pitiful. They probably want to stick with Hive secretly.
  47. They're pretending not to know even though all evidence favors Hive.
  48. Min Hee-jin is lying again. Even those who believe her are pitiful.
  49. While other places are waking up, Theq is still like this.
  50. Please sue them.
  51. "Recovered" is just baseless speculation, isn't it?
  52. If it's not true, Min Hee-jin will press charges. < What kind of logic is it to ask someone who didn't do it to prove that they didn't do it?
  53. Dirty deeds among dirty people.
  54. Where some sue Rekka, others use them. Lol. So where's the bottom?
  55. It would be nice if the parties involved came out and clarified things.
  56. I've seen the devil, and Hive's sins are true.
  57. Other articles mention concealing and submitting due to personal information and other issues.
  58. Dirty ㅋㅋㅋ
  59. Oh, Min Hee-jin, ask for the original.
  60. Stop the PR and just admit it. When are you going to confess? Lol I'm still waiting for Bang Si-hyuk's rap stage.
  61. Then, it doesn't seem like they intended to submit it as court evidence from the beginning, but just leaked it for PR purposes... It's not like it's going to be accepted as evidence anyway.
  62. If Rekka has a friend, they must have been virally promoting other teams, right? Lol. Just look at how other teams' controversies decreased after Hive collapsed.
  63. Hive and Rekka are close.
  64. Disgusting, really.
  65. Isn't it that if it's not the original, it won't be accepted as evidence? As expected, it was evidence for PR. Lol. Hive's tricks are all revealed now. Lol.
  66. They'll sue if it's not true.
  67. How many times has Hive lied? Are people really believing all of that?
  68. Journalists are not enough, they're in cahoots with Rekka? Hive is up to all sorts of things. Lol.
  69. Can it be this pathetic? Lol.
  70. Just understand that Rekka and Hive are in cahoots.
  71. I feel like I've seen the bottom of Hive with this incident.
  72. Poor New Jins, just being involved in such a dirty affair.
  73. Hive and Rekka are such close buddies.
  74. Despicable, really.
  75. Otherwise, Adoo's side will soon come out with a rebuttal article. They're still confirming now, so...
  76. Hive's side has prepared two versions.
  77. Hive and Rekka are in cahoots, plotting their PR strategy for the courtroom with emotional appeals while acting innocent online. Lol.
  78. They're close to Dispatch, and they're close to Rekka... Hmm, it's suspicious.
  79. So pathetic... They only revel in the fact that Rekka was in cahoots. Lol.
  80. So disgusting...


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