Foreigners talking about idol outfits at weddings


When photos surfaced of idols attending a makeup artist’s wedding, reactions varied:


Comments included:
  • "So casual. Isn't it disrespectful?"
  • "You would never see this at a wedding in our country. They’d get kicked out."
  • "In our country, we dress up a lot, like the bride."
  • "Jeans and sneakers?! They should be banned."
  • "I could never dress like that."

On the other hand:"In Korea, it’s appropriate to let the bride shine the most. We overdo it and end up outshining the bride."
"As long as it's neat, it’s fine."
"Different cultures, different customs."
"I actually prefer this way... It’s not my wedding, so I hate buying and worrying about outfits."

Comments and retweets are buzzing with these differing opinions.

(I just summarized it as pro vs. con, but there are a lot of interesting comments. If you know English, it might be fun to read them.)

  1. Isn't she wearing a white dress? Just grateful they came.
  2. It's casual even for Korea, but it's the thought that counts.
  3. Foreigners, please don't comment on Korean culture.
  4. I don't think it's something to be criticized, but I wouldn't dress like that as a wedding guest.
  5. They say that because they don't know the culture.
  6. Those people are really casual even by Korean standards. Why insist on party dresses based on their own standards? In Korea, guests would be criticized more for wearing dresses.
  7. We'll handle it ourselves, please be quiet.
  8. As long as it's not the same color as the dress or a black funeral outfit, don't comment.
  9. It's casual, but they came to celebrate, so...
  10. As long as it's not white, it's fine. Just glad they came.
  11. Did they have a schedule? The clothes look more like what they wear on variety shows than casual wear.
  12. They did pay attention to their hair and makeup.
  13. It's very casual even by Korean standards.
  14. In other countries, it's more like a small party, so it might be different. But in Korea, with larger weddings, it's not a big deal unless it's a small wedding. As long as it doesn't outshine the bride, it's fine.
  15. So what? This is Korea.
  16. But it is really casual. Jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers aren't typical wedding attire.
  17. The third picture is really casual.
  18. Why are people angry in the comments? It seems like they're just noticing cultural differences, not criticizing Korea.
  19. Isn't it common to dress comfortably unless you're family?
  20. I worked at weddings five years ago, and people dressed however they wanted. I saw hundreds of people all day, and it was very diverse.
  21. I've never seen anyone dress that casually.
  22. Isn't it common for people to dress casually? I don't understand the issue. It's tiring to see comments saying it's not appropriate wedding attire.
  23. In some countries, people spend a lot on clothes for weddings. It's just a cultural difference. But it’s true that not many people dress that casually here.
  24. It's really casual even by Korean standards. It makes you wonder if they had another schedule.
  25. Commenting on their attire seems more foolish than their outfits.
  26. Even as a student, I didn't dress that casually for weddings.
  27. Exactly.
  28. Are they the ones getting married? There are so many girls with celebrity syndrome. TPO (time, place, occasion) is overly strict on women. Telling them to dress up like celebrities.
  29. They all dressed very casually.
  30. It's casual, but some elders even wear hiking clothes to weddings, so it's fine.
  31. They'd faint seeing elders in hiking clothes.
  32. We don't have a party culture, and they're young idols. I wore just a t-shirt and pants to weddings in my early 20s.
  33. I used to dress up for weddings, but now I dress modestly to make the bride stand out. Since they're idols, even if they dress simply, they'll still look better than the average person. It’s understandable they dressed casually to let the bride shine.
  34. What's the big deal?
  35. Exactly.
  36. Dressing not to stand out is common, and their outfits are very typical.
  37. I'm touched that most of the members of LOONA attended despite no longer being active together.
  38. Just grateful they came to celebrate.
  39. It's just different. Do people comment on weddings in the Middle East or Southeast Asia?
  40. Why comment on other cultures?
  41. People in their early 20s might dress like that, but older people usually dress more formally. Western-style weddings with dresses next to casual outfits might seem strange.
  42. If the bride is fine with it, it doesn't matter.
  43. They think they are open-minded but are often closed-minded, those Westerners.
  44. Jeans and t-shirts aren't traditionally Korean wedding attire either.
  45. Nowadays, some people do dress that casually. I was surprised at first, but it didn't look bad in photos. Surprisingly harmonious.
  46. Exactly, seeing the LOONA members was so touching that nothing else mattered.
  47. Stop telling other cultures what to do.
  48. It's casual, but if the bride is fine with it, it's okay. Elders sometimes wear hiking clothes, so as long as it's clean, it's fine. If they wore dresses, it would be criticized online.
  49. The bride thanked them for coming, but people are still saying "that’s a bit..."
  50. The bride thanked them for coming, yet people are complaining.
  51. What matters is that they came to celebrate. As long as they're not in a sloppy t-shirt and slippers, it’s fine.
  52. It’s more casual than typical wedding attire.
  53. People usually don’t wear jeans, but there must have been a reason.
  54. The bride is grateful, so why make a fuss? I’m touched that most LOONA members attended.
  55. That’s quite casual for Korea.
  56. It’s very casual. Don’t people usually wear semi-formal or formal attire?
  57. If you're not Korean, leave.
  58. The bride said thank you, so what’s the issue?
  59. Just coming to the wedding is enough, regardless of the outfit.
  60. Who said foreigners don’t comment on other people’s clothes? It’s funny.
  61. We don’t usually dress that casually either, but students might.
  62. When did Korean culture start allowing jeans at weddings? Even on forums, people cautiously ask if they can wear slacks.
  63. People who don’t understand Korean culture should stay quiet.
  64. Why are foreigners interfering? Chuu and the others sang a congratulatory song, and the couple seemed happy.
  65. Why wouldn’t people wear jeans?
  66. What does it matter if foreigners complain? This is Korea.
  67. If you don’t live in Korea, be quiet.
  68. Those who criticize Korean weddings would probably freak out if we did the same to their traditions. Let’s not interfere in other cultures.
  69. People talk without understanding the culture.
  70. If celebrities overdressed, people would criticize them too. The bride is thankful, so why does it matter? People just want to comment on celebrities' every move.
  71. With that outfit, they probably just stopped by the bride’s waiting room.
  72. Did they come last minute? Jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers are rare at weddings.
  73. Even though it’s casual, just showing up is appreciated.
  74. That outfit is fine. We have many guests and no assigned seats.
  75. No one minds if you wear slacks or jeans because the bride and groom are the focus.
  76. We’ll handle our own weddings.
  77. Foreign K-pop fans love to meddle. Just ignore them.
  78. It is casual by Korean standards, but at least they came and looked clean.
  79. We don’t usually wear jeans and t-shirts to weddings, but I don’t want to hear foreigners’ opinions. We’ll handle it ourselves.
  80. If the couple is okay with it, leave it alone.
  81. Criticizing wedding attire happens everywhere.
  82. I’ve never seen guests dressed that casually in real life.
  83. The important thing is that they came to celebrate. Why are others commenting on a Korean wedding?
  84. They don’t look dressed up. Wouldn’t you at least wear semi-formal attire out of respect for the bride?
  85. They actually put effort into their appearance.
  86. There are many guests wearing jeans at weddings.
  87. This comment is the most ridiculous.
  88. As long as they’re not sitting in the front row, it doesn’t matter what they wear.
  89. I work at a wedding hall, and many guests wear jeans. It’s a common, decent outfit.
  90. Even wearing white is fine. If the couple is okay with it, no one will complain. And many guests do wear jeans and t-shirts.
  91. The bride said thank you, and yet people are complaining.
  92. Jeans are common.
  93. It’s not like they wore pajamas.
  94. They probably haven’t seen middle-aged guests in hiking clothes.
  95. Some comments here are just as bad as the foreigners criticizing the attire. What’s wrong with dressing casually? Jeans are common, and some guests even wear hiking clothes. Is it not formal unless it’s a suit or blouse?
  96. No one minds if you wear jeans these days.
  97. Internet warriors should step outside.
  98. Are you attending the wedding? Those who criticize casual outfits probably won’t even be invited, so it doesn’t matter.
  99. They love commenting on other cultures. Many guests wear jeans to weddings, and their world isn’t everything.
  100. The couple is probably just grateful that people came. Who cares about the clothes? It’s not like they wore white.Regardless of what you wear, it's the thought of coming to congratulate them that counts. Why make a fuss over it?
  101. Weddings are a time when you should be grateful people came. Unless someone's wearing something outrageous, it doesn't matter what they wear. The couple doesn't mind, so why should anyone else?
  102. It does seem quite casual, though.
  103. Jeans???
  104. It feels casual, but it's not wrong, right? If you see it in person, you might not even think, "Oh, they're casual." It's only because we see it in this post.
  105. Just come, please, whatever you wear. The couple doesn't care what you wear; they appreciate you showing up. They can tell if someone wears white maliciously to spite them.
  106. I wish people would stop fussing over wedding attire.
  107. Jeans are common these days.
  108. It looks like they went straight from the salon.
  109. When you attend a wedding, nobody cares what you wear; they are just grateful you came.
  110. As long as you sincerely congratulate them, what's the issue? They might have come straight from a busy schedule.
  111. It's fine. I've seen people in weddings with tattoos showing and weird clothes...
  112. As long as it's neat, who cares about all the fuss?
  113. These days, more people wear jeans.
  114. It does look casual by Korean standards, but at weddings, you don't notice what others wear. The same goes for funerals unless it's something extremely noticeable.
  115. I've worn jeans to a wedding and never got criticized for it.
  116. As long as it's neat, it's fine.
  117. In Korea, people don't usually wear jeans to weddings, but nobody criticizes them for it. They might think, "Oh, they must have had something else going on."
  118. What's the problem?
  119. It's funny how some countries take wedding attire so seriously.
  120. Just showing up is enough; it's the thought that counts.
  121. People who fuss about jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers have probably never been to a wedding.
  122. That's just a cultural difference. After all, the wedding format itself comes from another culture.
  123. Nowadays, you see all sorts of attire at weddings.
  124. I've seen guests in mini sparkling dresses that seemed more suitable for a club.
  125. People even wear hiking clothes, so jeans are fine. As long as you're not in the photos, it’s okay.
  126. Isn't everyone here old enough to have been to weddings? People wear all sorts of outfits.
  127. Who cares about guests' outfits? Just be grateful they came. Have you not been to a wedding in 20 years?
  128. I've seen people in jeans and jackets. Even seen parents in hiking clothes. It might look casual in the photos, but it's fine. Just showing up is enough.
  129. It's fine. Just be thankful they came.
  130. As long as they show up and make time for you, be grateful.
  131. I don't get why people fuss over white clothes at weddings, but looking too casual isn't great. It's not about the color; it's about being neat and appropriate for the occasion.
  132. The bride seemed happy Chuu came; why judge?
  133. Jeans and sneakers are a bit...
  134. Is there a problem with jeans?
  135. Honestly, it doesn't matter.
  136. In Korea, if you dress too formally for a wedding, people think it's weird. Once, an acquaintance wore an ivory skirt and lace socks to a wedding and is still criticized for it.
  137. Just having a celebrity guest is something to brag about.
  138. I don't like jeans for weddings.
  139. In their culture, they typically wear dresses. If you don't understand Korean culture, just stay out of it.
  140. In other countries, people really dress up for weddings with heavy makeup and formal updos. Everyone dresses up like that.
  141. Elders might not like jeans, but I don't mind.
  142. Are dresses the norm there? I thought they were upset about not wearing suits or something.
  143. Their norm is dresses. Korea is different.
  144. Chuu sang a congratulatory song there. The couple was probably just grateful, so what's the fuss?
  145. It is quite casual, though.
  146. Are they clueless about cultural differences?
  147. Don't worry, we won't attend your weddings. From an Islamic country's perspective, your weddings might seem disrespectful too.
  148. Complaining about this outfit at a wedding just shows you've never been to one. If you go, you'll see a lot of variety.
  149. It's not even a tracksuit, so what's the problem?
  150. Just handle your own weddings.
  151. Wearing a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers is very casual, even by Korean standards.
  152. Why does it matter? Even here in the comments, people are being nitpicky. Those in their early 20s dress like that; what's wrong with it?
  153. If someone wore a dress to a wedding here like they do in your country, people would think they're crazy. It's common to see people in hiking clothes.
  154. It's very normal.
  155. If I have to dress up, I'd rather just not go and save my money.
  156. Foreigners might not understand since they wear dresses to weddings. They spend a lot on tours to buy those dresses.
  157. Who cares?
  158. It's a Korean wedding thing. Just handle your own weddings.
  159. Why are people so interested in weddings in other countries?
  160. T-shirts and jeans are not appropriate even by our standards.
  161. That outfit is fine. I've seen a celebrity wear a hoodie to their sibling's wedding. For a friend's wedding, just dress neatly.
  162. It is very casual.
  163. I've been to many weddings, and people often dress like this. Nobody complains.
  164. It's not the average guest outfit here.
  165. It seems like we live in different worlds.
  166. It's very common. In some areas, people even wear work uniforms. Maybe you've only been to hotel weddings in Seoul.
  167. It's casual even by our standards, but it doesn't mean it's disrespectful.
  168. There are plenty of people in hiking clothes too.
  169. It's casual for Korea, but nobody will care.
  170. I've been to both kinds of weddings. The atmosphere in Korean weddings suits this kind of outfit. It's more like a meal and an event. Abroad, the feeling is more that you're part of the wedding, so dressing up fits the vibe better.
  171. As long as it's not a white suit or white dress, nobody notices jeans.
  172. The atmosphere varies depending on the age and professions of the couple and their parents. As long as it's neat, it's fine.
  173. Honestly, a T-shirt is a bit much, especially if it's not knit.
  174. Really? At weddings, I've always thought people dressed well. This isn't a common outfit, but I personally don't mind. There might be reasons for it, and if they show up happily, who cares?
  175. Even if the clothes are casual, with full makeup it looks fine.
  176. People wear jeans without any issues.
  177. What's the problem?
  178. People wear jeans a lot.
  179. It's very casual, but not a big issue. If they're young students, it's fine. If they're professionals, it might not fit the occasion.
  180. I've seen female idols dress like that at weddings. Why all the fuss?
  181. It's not a tracksuit. Do we really need to dress up that much for someone else's wedding?
  182. I've attended over 20 weddings, and I've never seen someone dress like that. Maybe slacks, but jeans are rare, especially for a celebrity.
  183. The bride is the main focus of the wedding. As long as guests dress neatly, it's fine.


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