What an overseas K-pop fan thinks of New Jeans, Ive, Espa

Billie Eilish - Sabrina Carpenter - Chapron
(Excluding music) If we strictly analyze this one photo,
I kind of get it...

  1. Compare things that are actually comparable.
  2. I think I get what you mean lol.
  3. That kind of feeling lol.
  4. Ahh lol, I get what they’re saying, and it’s making me mad lol.
  5. I said I don’t know because I really don’t know, why say I’m taking it too seriously?
  6. I think I get what you mean, but not about the music—about their Grammy outfits today lol.
  7. I kind of get it, but people rushing in to police things is wild lol.
  8. I’m actually a fan of one of the artists being compared, and I don’t like this. Feels like people casually using overseas content as they please.
  9. Ah, but I totally get what they’re saying now lol.
  10. Isn’t this a bit too much for aespa? Lol, it does have a metallic taste to it, but I see how they’re differentiating the three groups.
  11. The styling in that pic explains everything.
  12. Chapelon does give off a metallic vibe, but it’s like medieval armor lol.
  13. I get the NewJeans part lol.
  14. Is it supposed to be like: teens and 20s = pretty and confident, 20s = cool and strong?
  15. This is hilarious lol.
  16. LOL yeah, if I had to pick one image to sum it up, this would be it.
  17. Yeah, if I had to choose just one picture, this is it lol.
  18. In this one image, it makes sense lol.
  19. LOL I think I get it.
  20. Aren’t they just talking about the styling in the pic? If so, I totally get it lol.
  21. Yeah, I understand now lol.
  22. Just looking at the picture, I get what they mean lol.
  23. LOL I usually get told I have no sense of humor, but reading the comments makes me feel better—I guess I’m not that bad lol.
  24. I think I get the feeling lol.
  25. I knew what they meant right away—why are people so mad?
  26. Looks like a music video concept lol.
  27. What do they even mean? I don’t know much about international stuff.
  28. Ahh, I get it lol.
  29. Isn’t this a bit too much for aespa?
  30. I don’t know much about international stuff, so I really don’t get it—not trying to be serious, I just actually don’t know.
  31. LOL I think I get what they mean
  32. The style gives off a certain feeling, but why are some people so serious about it?
  33. It reminds me of the Aespa drama, haha.
  34. I think I know what you mean, haha.
  35. I get what you mean, haha.
  36. Billy's outfit feels like New Jeans' recent activity, haha.
  37. I think they're talking about the vibe, and I think it's right, haha.
  38. Hip-princess-conceptual, isn't that what we're talking about? Haha.
  39. I think I understand, haha. If you watch Aespa's "Amageddon" music video, it gives off that vibe. IVE is all about bling-bling, New Jeans is sporty.
  40. I understand what you're saying, haha.
  41. I think I get it, haha.
  42. The styling of New Jeans and BILLIE is similar, so I guess that's why it's being compared. Who said they looked like those singers? Making assumptions and ruining the post.
  43. I get what you're saying.
  44. Aespa's vibe is a bit too much, isn't it? Haha.
  45. Hip - Princess - Conceptual. Got it, haha.
  46. As soon as I saw it, I knew what vibe it was, haha. All three groups are great!!
  47. If you're being serious, just leave, haha.
  48. Well, it's different, but I think I get the feeling you're trying to express, haha.
  49. It's hilarious, haha.
  50. Why is it so funny, haha.
  51. Aespa's vibe is a bit over the top, but I get the feeling, haha.
  52. I think I understand, haha.
  53. I get the vibe, haha.
  54. Haha, I get it right away. Those singers have a distinct vibe.
  55. I don't really know Aespa, but I think the other two have that vibe.
  56. I understand what you're saying.
  57. It's different, but I get the vibe, haha.
  58. It's not about nitpicking, it's just that the context was a comparison of concepts, but people just aren't getting it, haha.
  59. As soon as I saw it, I understood, haha.


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