Homage and interpretation in (G)idle's nude music video

Moulin Rouge

Marilyn Monroe

Diamond is a woman's best friend (lyrics mentioned) / Gentlemen like blondes (music video visual)

The artist, who despises Banksy's (Girl with Balloon)'s painting sold on the street, is of no interest to anyone who sells it on the street, but becomes an expensive luxury item when sold at auction.

Jessica Rabbit

https://youtu.be/7r0b-VqT3_U The intro melody appears to be a sampling of the opera Carmen's Habanera

Until now, this scene has been homage to a lot of media, but It was mostly an eye-catching homage to women who deceive men. In fact, only the scene is consumed without much discussion of the content or theme of the film itself.

In the actual film, there are many directing depicting women who have been decorated with flowers or used as chandeliers and exhibits, while comically portraying the powerless and funny situation of American women at the time and American society at the time. that survived

Another movie, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

This is what happens around the "diamond-studded tiara" crown.

Lorelai', the main character of this movie, is not a vanity character, but is intelligent and strong.

Woogi returns as a real actor outside of the movie in the music video

With a tired expression, she says, "Am I going to laugh so much at just one tiara?"

Shooting people who judge actors based on movie roles alone

The movie <Roger Rabbit>, which was the subject of homage to the anime character, is a worldview where people and cartoon characters coexist.

The main character 'Jessica Rabbit' is a cartoon character drawn exaggeratedly sexy and arrogant in a typical villain style.

She is misunderstood that she had an affair with a rich man because he was rich and she was a beautiful woman who did not fit in with her husband Roger Rabbit.

(The film is over 30 years old) The ending is actually a good woman who loves Roger and runs around to save him.

Characters who challenge clichΓ© prejudices head-on

Jessica Rabbit's famous line is

“I am not bad. It was just ‘drawn’ that way.”

Consistent with key messages going through Nxde

[Stupid woman]

[Troublemaker] [Liar]

[Her rumors]

[Sexy but so stupid!]

“How do I look?”

Credits at the end of the video.
Inspired by Marilyn Monroe and Banksy. Thank you and I love you> and mention the two together.

Marilyn Monroe struggles to escape from living a life of consumption as a sex symbol actress

Banksy threw himself into the consumer market to expose the showy side of contemporary art.

“The thing the two have in common is that they hated to death people who forgot the essence of acting and art and pursued exciting things, money, and luxuries to show off.

As a result, Marilyn Monroe could not get out of the frame that she hated and became the <Sexy icon of the times> rather than the <Actor of the times> that she wanted.

So, by paying homage to this incident in which Banksy crushed his painting, it seems that he wanted to mention the beauty of the original (Nxde) that Marilyn Monroe had and at the same time complete a strong admonition to the world that Marilyn Monroe could not achieve. "

It's cerebral

(Female) was removed from the tomboy who shouted "It's neither man nor woman. Just me"

put this time

Anyway, conclusion: Jeon So-yeon made a big art story and strong message. I hope it spreads well to foreign cinephiles (cinema lovers).

The comments:

1. There is a lot of search for this, so I want you to read it. Kids who are not fans often go in every day only to conflict posts by soldiers, press recommendations, and gossip about comments. 50πŸ‘ 01πŸ‘Ž

2. It's well organized, and if it's Nepran, you might know it, but MV interpretation YouTuber Il-oh Kim Next content These kids are nude, let's watch the video properly. This is a channel where Gonggye commented on the interpretation of Oh My God's music video before. 49πŸ‘ 02πŸ‘Ž

3. I wish I had that too. The horned dress that I was surprised to see this time too... That was a popular outfit in the times of Marilyn Monroe, and actually Marilyn Monroe wore it a lot, but as a homage to Marilyn Monroe, Madonna said that Madonna often wore it. And Madonna criticized Marilyn for only seeing her as a sexy symbol, so she paid homage to that pink outfit.37πŸ‘ 02πŸ‘Ž

4. I have to go through posts like this, but it's so upsetting to see so many aggressive posts from non-fans chasing fans and dragging all members along γ…  Please press a lot of recommendations 23πŸ‘ 02πŸ‘Ž

5. I was wondering why it was a diamond-studded ti-line, but I read the interpretation and understood it. It was fun to find each interpretation like this in this MV. I thought that Minnie's pink dress also stood out compared to the other clothes in the MV, but I knew it was an homage and I thought it was because I'm not a fan of the group, I just like it I tend to do it, but I keep rewatching this MV lol If Marilyn Monroe had seen the MV, she would have liked it. 17πŸ‘ 00πŸ‘Ž

6. Infinite Challenge Homage lol13πŸ‘ 01πŸ‘Ž

7. Gidle ate melons at the top of the list, so they deliberately open their eyes lol. 08πŸ‘ 02πŸ‘Ž

8. The music video this time is truly legendary.. The historical evidence was very good. 03πŸ‘ 02πŸ‘Ž

9. This one was so good, I'm not even a fan, but watching the MV, I got goosebumps 02πŸ‘ 00πŸ‘Ž

10. The concept is of good quality and good, but the song itself doesn't appeal to me.. 01πŸ‘ 02πŸ‘Ž

Original post here 244πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

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