[Breaking News] All of Min Hee-jin’s close associates are dismissed… Adore's shareholders' meeting appoints three 'Hybe personnel' directors

According to the music industry on the 31st, Adore held an extraordinary shareholders' meeting somewhere in downtown Seoul this morning and appointed CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) Kim Joo-young, CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) Jae-sang Lee, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Kyeong-jun Lee, recommended by Hive, as new members of the company. appointed as director.

Deputy CEO Shin and Director Kim, who were close associates of CEO Min and were existing Adore internal directors, were dismissed.


  1. Tsk tsk tsk.
  2. Predictable outcome.
  3. Wow, lol.
  4. Isolation strategy;;
  5. Looks like they'll bring everyone in as team leaders...
  6. This was a predictable scenario.
  7. Disgusting bastards.
  8. Truly disgraceful, Hybe.
  9. Since Hybe is the major shareholder, there's nothing that can be done...
  10. Min Hee-jin said there weren't many people working face-to-face, and now there'll be even fewer.
  11. Who didn't expect this from disgraceful Hybe?
  12. They're being petty till the end.
  13. I really hate Hybe.
  14. So disgusting.
  15. Just as expected, butter up.
  16. So dirty, those bastards.
  17. Damn, this is bad. Hybe is so disgraceful.
  18. Crazy... Min Hee-jin should collect evidence if they interfere with her work.
  19. Tsk tsk, disgraceful Hybe.
  20. They really plan to harass them; it's like Cinderella.
  21. Really sleazy.
  22. Oh god, these dirty and nasty bastards.
  23. ☞22th comment: Agree.
  24. They're being petty till the end. Just leave them alone.
  25. Oh no.
  26. They lost the public opinion battle and in court, yet they still act disgracefully.
  27. I hate them.
  28. As expected from Hybe. Sejong will probably sue for wrongful dismissal.
  29. ☞To the 28th commenter: At least provide compensation for those who had to quit because of wrongful dismissal.
  30. ☞To the 28th commenter: How can an executive claim wrongful dismissal, lol.
  31. Oh dear.
  32. Hybe being Hybe again.
  33. Truly petty and disgraceful.
  34. So petty, so disgraceful.
  35. I don't know about Director Kim, but the vice president is... understandable.
  36. Wow, they really don't care about their image. Those guys are too emotional.
  37. Pressuring them to resign voluntarily.
  38. If Hybe steals Ador's data, wouldn't that be embezzlement? Who would dare share data with them?
  39. Didn't the verdict say they couldn't fire those two?
  40. ☞To the 39th commenter: Only Min Hee-jin is a party to the shareholder agreement.
  41. ☞To the 39th commenter: No, it's not that they can't fire them, it's that Sejong said if Ador's directors are dismissed, it would be an unjust dismissal.
  42. ☞To the 41th commenter: Here is Sejong's statement from yesterday: Additionally, unless there is a reason to dismiss CEO Min Hee-jin, there is no reason to dismiss the two inside directors from her side either. If Hybe dismisses these directors, it is not respecting the court's decision and is dismissing them without just cause. They didn't say Ador's directors can't be dismissed.
  43. A bunch of old men.
  44. In the gaming industry, this would be corruption. And Bang Si-hyuk, who dragged the gaming industry into K-pop, should just die. That pig from Yongsan.
  45. Look at the pressure they're putting on; it's going to be really tough from now on... Hybe is really disgusting.
  46. They're so shameless, it's scary.
  47. .So disgraceful.
  48. Why are they so emotional, haha.
  49. Wasn't the vice president supposed to leave if Min Hee-jin won her lawsuit? Hybe promised him he could stay if he helped get rid of Min Hee-jin, that's why he handed over the data.
  50. Using political tactics, lol. If they can't dig up dirt, they harass and isolate the people around them, lol.
  51.  Did the vice president get dismissed after handing over the data? Haha.
  52. They're ruining their own image more and more.
  53. Hybe is really trash... wow.
  54. Worried about how much they'll harass her.
  55. So petty, harassing because they can't do anything else.
  56. Disgraceful Hybe. Go for a wrongful dismissal lawsuit.
  57. So pathetic.
  58. Really emotional, petty, and disgraceful.
  59. An unjust dismissal, disgraceful Hybe.
  60. Why go this far?
  61. Disgraceful Hybe, so petty.
  62. Not surprising, they're so annoying.
  63. The vice president was used by Hybe and then fired.
  64. Such nonsense, lol.
  65. Not even trying to hide it.
  66. Taking it out on others, lol.
  67. So petty, lol.
  68. Disgraceful Hybe.
  69. Disgraceful Hybe.
  70. So sleazy, so sleazy.
  71. It's really petty and disgraceful, lol.
  72. Disgraceful.
  73. Min Hee-jin should just take the male group and leave. Why do good work for Hybe?
  74. But the vice president came from Hybe, and it was a bit much to consider him an insider. Honestly, that person was suspicious, lol. Wasn't it that person who provided all the excuses?
  75. ☞To the 41th, 63th, and 74th commenters: The vice president who was fired now isn't the one who handed over the data to Hybe, it's another vice president.
  76. Why are they all incompetent...
  77. The vice president was used and discarded like trash, lol.
  78. Those guys are too emotional.
  79. They're already isolated, and now it's like their arms have been cut off... how can they endure this?
  80. Hybe is so emotional, lol.
  81. Why are they like this? Aren't they in an industry where image matters? They're going wild.
  82. It was expected, but still disgraceful. What are you going to do about your image, Hybe? You're just relying on BTS after their discharge, lol.
  83. They're acting so emotional because they lost the lawsuit.
  84. Disgraceful Hybe...
  85. They're trying to cut off all support.
  86. They're so emotional.
  87. I knew this would happen... sigh... Hybe is something else. They're not even trying to hide it...
  88. So what happens now?
  89. Always carry a recorder and only meet in front of CCTV.
  90. Disgraceful to the end.
  91. Hope Hybe fails.
  92. Really disgraceful.
  93. Min Hee-jin will be even more isolated now.
  94. Seeing this kind of behavior from men at work is so typical, lol. So disgraceful, guys.
  95. Not fit to run a business.
  96. Really something else.
  97. So pathetic... Sejong made it clear yesterday... It's so embarrassing and pathetic, I have no words.
  98. And that vice president was someone Min brought in herself...
  99. So disgraceful, keep recording everything.
  100. Hybe's image is completely trashed, lol. Good job, lol.
  101. So petty and cowardly.
  102. They're going down and acting out. Spill more of Hybe's disgraceful behavior, Min Hee-jin.
  103. Disgraceful. They say men are more emotional, sigh.
  104. Hybe's existence is disgusting.
  105. As expected from a pathetic company.
  106. Why are they going this far? I really don't understand.
  107. Seriously, how can you work with such incapable men?
  108. The vice president who handed over the data is weird, but he survived.
  109. Boycott.
  110. Isn't there anyone in the company to stop such petty politics?
  111. Everything they do is so petty and malicious, lol. Koz didn’t even do this. They put everything in their own pockets. What are they doing?
  112. Now it's disgraceful. Good luck, Min Hee-jin.
  113. So emotional, it's disgusting.
  114. Running a company based on emotions.
  115. They don't even think about recovering their tarnished image a bit. They're broadcasting their pettiness for everyone to see.
  116. Lee Jae-sang is from Hyundai Motors, lol. What is he doing in entertainment?
  117. Disgraceful. They put three men in charge.
  118. What will Min Hee-jin do? Please protect my NewJeans.
  119. Running the company based on feelings, wow.
  120. Too emotional. Can't you think logically for the sake of the company's profits? You need to make money.
  121. So emotional, ugh.
  122. Endure and you will see better days. I'm rooting for you, Cinderella. Fighting 🫶🫶🫶🫶.
  123. Hybe, I'll be watching how you handle your girl groups and how you mistreat NewJeans.
  124. To clarify, the vice president who handed over the data stayed, and another vice president close to Min Hee-jin got fired. So, in the end, Min Hee-jin is left alone in a Hybe full of their own people.
  125. To the 151st commenter, men's pride and jealousy are immense. When I look at Hybe's case, it feels like an exaggerated version of the pettiness I often see in men at work, so I'm not too surprised.
  126. Everything they do is really...
  127. They are trying to make Min Hee-jin leave on her own. What are the fans who support such a disgraceful Hybe thinking?
  128. Cowardly, petty, and disgraceful.
  129. I expected this, but they really seem emotional and disgraceful, lol.
  130. Wow, it’s indescribably dirty.
  131. Everyone expected this, and they'll probably keep at it until next year.
  132. The court said there was no reason to fire those people, but they did it anyway.
  133. Disgraceful, acting on emotions.
  134. Lol, I knew this would happen.
  135. What they’re doing is just dumb. When will they fail?
  136. Those old men are too emotional.
  137. Men's jealousy is something else, sigh.
  138. Wow, Hybe is so pathetic.


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