Hybe fandom public opinion that does not accept the court ruling.

{I don't like it, so I'm going to keep stuffing it lol. I understand the desire to believe that the court ate the pakku, but contrary to the believer's wishes, unfortunately, the fact is that it was not the pakku that was submitted to the court^^ In the end, I have to use the media.

They say you can't convict someone based on simple circumstances. Please get rid of the KakaoTalk talisman that was ruined by the court.}

{Wouldn't it be possible to file a complaint for "attempted breach of trust" rather than a complaint for "breach of trust"?
It's time to move from civil to criminal trials.

Did you call it deleted? LOL The court said it was clear that Mr. Min took the kids to pressure Hybe, made him sell his shares of Adore, and looked for a way to control it independently, and even went as far as to implement it in detail...}

{It's a betrayal, but it's not a breach of trust...

Now is the time for CEOs of companies whose parent companies are large corporations!! Even if you make a plan and get caught before executing it, it's not a breach of trust, so let's just go with Samsung or CJ!!
Min Hee-jin retains her position as CEO of Adore... Court "It is a betrayal, but it is not a breach of trust."}

{It's not a breach of trust, it's a betrayal... After all, what is the law of this country?}

Haha, this logic is going to make me faint. Haha, since when did I become Hive's legal representative? Haha, if you're going to compare it with Shin Sejong, you have to put Kim & Chang, Hive's law firm, on the comparison line. What kind of absurd nonsense is this? Hahaha. Kim & Chang said it was evidence obtained through legal procedures, so the judge will decide whether it's right or wrong, right?

Attorney at Law Firm Sejong, who broadcasted his face, name, and occupation in front of tens of thousands of people vs. the one who has no name even on Twitter  “Rather, there is room for breach of trust on Hive’s part,” he claimed.
Lawyers say, “It is difficult to establish breach of trust if it is at the discussion stage.”}

For a month, the fans of those teams lived in hell.

I may have been in hell because of the company, but someone else was also in hell just because I was cheating on the people belonging to that company.

Please apologize... They dragged all artists at the press conference. After that, won't they target ㅇㅇㄹ and open an email that can cause misunderstandings? ㅂㅌ will damage its value right away.}

( other tweets are in the original post) 

Let alone changing the course of action, it is absurd that they are criticizing the court, saying that even ordinary companies will be harmed by this ruling.

  1. Why are they like that...
  2. Sigh
  3. Are Hybe fans above the law?
  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  5. Bangtan+Le+ill Oops
  6. They were talking about civil suits on ㅍㅋ too, how can they all be the sameㅠㅋㅋ.
  7. Saying they work for the company, lol, if you own the company then sure
  8. Just like Hybe... How is it possible
  9. Of course, they can't even read the ruling on chart manipulation!
  10. You can tell just by looking, it's those people, right?
  11. The Bang-Le-Rit fandom is amazing
  12. Why are Bangtan fans acting like this?
  13. They can't even properly read the chart manipulation ruling from the start...
  14. They are deluding themselves, lol
  15. Oops
  16. Too emotional 🤧
  17. It was a joke~~ but it's already been judged that the documents were no joke, they could act like that
  18. It's creepy how obvious it is whose fans they are
  19. They still can't accept the ruling on chart manipulation, well, they enjoyed their fandom based on an illusion created by manipulation... they would want to deny it
  20. Are they Bangtan fans?
  21. It's too obvious whose fans they are, lol
  22. It's amazing how they identify with the company as artist fans. If it were me, I'd cut ties and support them after leaving Hybe, lol
  23. They don't believe the ruling on chart manipulation either
  24. Since it's been quoted, I can laugh off posts like that, hahaha
  25. They look so foolish...
  26. Not a Hybe fandom, just Bangtan fans
  27. Why are Bangtan fans like this? Instead of praying for a contract renewal, they should be praying for a break-up ☞ Me too, lol, I really want them to leave Hybeㅜ
  28. It's those fans, lol
  29. It's amazing they can delude themselves... just how clueless do they have to be, it would be better if they just quietly enjoyed their fandom
  30. Probably those fans
  31. Typical Hybe fan level, lol, or they are paid part-timers
  32. Whose fans are they?
  33. Comparing it to alcohol, aren't they dumb, lol, if you take out alcohol and don't drink it, does that count as drunk driving? Sigh sigh
  34. It's just like the idiots who ignore the court's ruling on chart manipulation. Leaving the fandom is a sign of intelligence
  35. Sigh, so emotional, hehe
  36. If I were a Bangtan fan, I would be praying for them to leave Hybe, lol, it's amazing
  37. Not a Hybe fandom, just Bangtan fandomㅜㅜ
  38. How did they end up being one with the company?
  39. ☞Post 38, It's true, they are more united with Hybe than with Bangtan, lol
  40. They are just like Hybe
  41. Those people envy and are jealous of Min Hee-jin even more... they really don't know what to do...
  42. I don't know why ARMYs are getting involved in this incident, why are they acting as Bangtan's spokespersons?
  43. Dumb-believers
  44. Leave them alone.,
  45. Among Hybe idol fans, only certain fandoms defend Hybe. The rest of the fandoms don't even get involved, lol
  46. ☞Post 45,  Count me out~
  47. Emotional<
  48. Whatever they do, the result is Hybe losing, lol
  49. They didn't believe in chart manipulation, and now they don't believe this? Oh, then why don't they become judges themselves
  50. I'm curious whose fans they are
  51. Bangtan fans really love to show off, lol
  52. Why are Bangtan fans acting like this?
  53. As expected, the sinful company should be dissolved
  54. Are you on the company's side?
  55. I'm getting traumatized by the color purple
  56. They are trying so hard, lol
  57. Bangtan fans are brainwashed to an extreme level
  58. Lol, anyone would think they were company executives, lol
  59. What's wrong with those people acting like they're one with the company
  60. There's no hope for them
  61. Another purple heart?
  62. Stop criticizing, they're meditating
  63. I feel like telling them to read some books, lol
  64. Why are they like that?
  65. Are they one with Hybe? They are fans of Hybe, not Bangtan
  66. Their tone of voice is a fingerprint, lol
  67. Do they think they know the law better than judges?
  68. Sigh, that loner Again, no one is on your side now or ever, lol
  69. Bangtan fanatics, tsk tsk
  70. Bang-Le-ill fandom is one with Chu-Hybe, so that's why
  71. Worry about your idols instead Why are you even a fan of the company, tsk tsk tsk
  72. All they have is emotion, lol
  73. Legal experts have said there is no attempted breach of trust, listen to the experts, sigh
  74. Are Bangtan fans really one with Hybe?
  75. Some Bangtan fans hate certain accounts mentioned in the post. They just love Big Hit. No matter how much you argue, they won't listen
  76. Are Bangtan fans actually fans of Bang Si-hyuk?
  77. Dumb
  78. If you drink but don't drive, it isn't drunk driving ^^
  79. The Bang-Le-ill fandom is famous. On Twitter, when you see accounts cursing Min New, it's one of the Bang-Le-ill fandoms, most likely Bangtan
  80. So tiresome
  81. Whose fans are they? Why are they like this? Live with a clear mind
  82. Guys, they might just be regular people, so be careful with your comments. I hope Sejong or Min Hee-jin's side reviews all those accounts, lol.
  83. Why are you even a fan of a company? Isn't that a waste of life? Being a company fan won't make you happy.
  84. Oh, purple heart.
  85. Eh? Is there a Hybe fandom?
  86. What's with the drunk driving analogy? Lol. If they didn't drive, how could it be drunk driving?
  87. Bangtan fans being Bangtan fans again.
  88. Honestly, I was confused by the media manipulation too. Now, it's just in the realm of religion. They just don't want to admit their statements are being contradicted. If they won't listen to the court's ruling, what can we do, lol.
  89. Bangtan again?
  90. Is this the opinion representing the fandom?
  91. The way they talk on Twitter is identical to Bangtan fans criticizing other idols, lol.
  92. If I were a Bangtan fan, I'd really hope for a clean break from Hybe. Why are they like this?
  93. Muttering, lol.
  94. How sad, lol. Hurry up and study law to join Kim & Chang!
  95. Sejong will send an official document, so keep your DMs open, kids.
  96. They interpret the chart manipulation verdict however they want, lol.
  97. Just read the chart manipulation verdict thoroughly.
  98. Why defend a company that's screwing up...? Just stick to supporting your idol;
  99. So emotional.
  100. So lovely purple heart💜
  101. Just as Hybe is Hybe, Bangtan fans are Bangtan fans.
  102. They must be fans of Bang Si-hyuk's production team, lol.
  103. Are they like stock market enthusiasts?
  104. Well, some people think the verdict needs "interpretation" too.
  105. That's just what ARMY is like, nodding.
  106. Even the fans are disgraceful, huh.
  107. Yep, yep. Fighting~!
  108. That fandom.
  109. Did they remove their brains together?
  110. Ignoring chart manipulation while pretending to be righteous here, lol.
  111. It's not Hybe's fandom, it's that fandom of 7. Don't lump us together, please.
  112. Oh, I remember that second account. It was popular when it got hot because of the subtitles on "Knowing Bros," lol. So it's that fandom.
  113. Why do they love Bang Si-hyuk? Usually, fans only like the artist and criticize the company. It's fascinating.
  114. Well, that verdict too, lol.
  115. Live your life that way, Bangtan fans, lol.
  116. I read it to make sure I didn't miss anything, but all it says is they tried to take it without evidence. That's what lack of evidence means.
  117. I'm the same fan, but I don't understand. But since they are regular people's accounts, comment carefully. I've seen people get in trouble for commenting on regular accounts.
  118. If you're openly quoting IDs like this, be careful about lawsuits. There was a big fuss over it on the forum before. If not, remove the IDs from the post.
  119. Hybe ≠ Bangtan. Who are they trying to protect?
  120. Hybe💜ARMY💜Bang Si-hyuk
  121. NewJeans, stay strong.
  122. That agency's fandom doesn't even believe the chart manipulation verdict.

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