Foreign idol who loses his temper if he makes a spelling mistake

It’s not like this with everyone, but when it’s someone I care about, if they don’t distinguish between ㅆ and ㅅ, it really bothers me...

That being said, I won’t point it out if they’re wrong, but it’s still a turn-off for BamBam.

“낫다 (better), 낳다 (give birth), 돼 (okay), 되 (to be), 어떻게 (how), 어떡해 (what to do)” — these are things even Koreans confuse a lot, and they’re not really a big deal.

But when people casually use ㅆ as ㅅ in text, you can tell they’re not putting effort into it, and to me, that reflects their personality. Haha.

But yeah, I totally get what they mean.

Then there’s this other Thai person who questions if it even relates to their personality, haha.

“How was it?” vs “와 어땠어요?” – the difference between double ㅅ and a single ㅅ may seem trivial, but the nuance is huge, haha.

Minnie knows it’s wrong, but she feels it’s totally understandable in text-based spelling. She actually finds it too rigid when people stick strictly to double ㅅ.

I mean, it’s honestly so surprising that foreigners even notice this, haha.

  1. "ㅆ ㅅ This is fine because it’s written as ‘ㅅ’ out of convenience, but when someone says ‘quickly give birth,’ it feels like they genuinely don’t know and it’s a turn-off."
  2. "Haha, I do agree, but it’s so interesting to me that foreigners notice it. 1. They’re wrong because they don’t know, 2. Or they know but can’t be bothered to correct it — both are points that are a turn-off."
  3. "I feel the same way about certain things."
  4. "When did 'give birth' become such a commonly confused spelling mistake?"
  5. "So many people write ‘I’ll see you later’ as ‘있다가 보자’ (instead of ‘이따가 보자’). It’s so cringy."
  6. "Ugh, people who write ‘된서,’ ‘해도돼,’ ‘그래도돼,’ ‘됐니,’ really need to study spelling, haha."
  7. "This person is starting to grow on me."
  8. "When it’s someone I don’t know, I just let it slide. But when it’s someone I like, it’s kind of disappointing when they openly make mistakes."
  9. "ㅆ ㅅ This is fine because it’s written as ‘ㅅ’ out of convenience, but when someone says ‘quickly give birth,’ it feels like they genuinely don’t know and it’s a turn-off."
  10. "I personally find it more annoying when people confuse ‘낳아’ (give birth) with ‘낮다’ (low), ‘낫다’ (better). ㅠㅠ When someone says ‘quickly give birth,’ I just... sigh...;;; But if they mix up ‘low’ or ‘better,’ that’s just... hmmm..."
  11. "My main fandom is diverse, but I’m embarrassed that Koreans are the worst at using chopsticks."
  12. "Anyone can tell it's a typo, but when people can’t be bothered to correct it, it feels like a lack of effort, and it’s disappointing on a personal level. I can totally understand that."


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