Winter's Instagram stories just touches my heart.

My friends posted a story about going to the Dream Concert, and I was about to skip it, thinking it was another friend's story, but it turned out to be Winter's story, hahaha, she's so cute, damn.

(they ripped it)

The comments:

1. It's so cute that she couldn't say 'ripped' because they're your senior, but she said they 'ripped' it anyway.πŸ‘22πŸ‘Ž04

2. They ripped it, haha.πŸ‘14πŸ‘Ž04

3. Hahaha, it's adorable.πŸ‘13πŸ‘Ž04

4. I also skipped it, thinking it was my friend's story, hahaha. Lol, haha, hahaha. It's funny.πŸ‘08πŸ‘Ž02

5. hehe, hahaha, hehe. Oh, seriously, feels like a friend.πŸ‘08πŸ‘Ž02

6. It's a shame.. It was good at first, but now it feels too much like a celebrity, so I hope she stop doing it.πŸ‘04πŸ‘Ž05

7. The probability of being your friend is 0%. Even for the sake of Winter, don't have such misconceptions. πŸ‘02πŸ‘Ž10

8. isn't she cute rightπŸ‘01πŸ‘Ž00

9. It feels like all the members of aespa are like friends posting on social media, haha. They feel familiar and adorable, right?πŸ‘00πŸ‘Ž00

Original post Here πŸ‘πŸ‘Ž

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