The content of the interview where Min Hee-jin was asked if she hated Le Seraphim.

The translation for the document above: {(Jin Chae-min) Is ignoring or detachment the only solution to a situation that flows regardless of will? I take it for granted that being the subject of criticism and interpretation is natural, regardless of my likes or dislikes. But the absurd and unfounded content gives me a hard time. I don't know why, but there have been strange instances where I have become involved in matters that have nothing to do with me. For example, there was an article that said I took the lead in recruiting certain members for a team being launched by another label. For your information, I've never met him. I also heard that there were quite malicious rumors that I was involved in the disbandment of another label's team. I'm really curious
where these unfounded rumors come from.}

After this interview came out, it seemed like she really dislikes being misunderstood. I can understand, but the way she expressed it—was it really something to get upset about? The interview content caused quite a stir in the K-Talk community; it was a bit awkward.

After the press conference, articles resurfaced, including those that claimed Min Hee-jin had directly recruited Sakura.

It's amazing that Min Hee-jin handled it with such restraint... She truly is a saint.


  1. This is so tiresome. They used Min Hee-jin's title, wrung every bit of value out of it, and were determined to exploit it as much as possible.
  2. But wasn't Minji originally scouted by Source Music? Without Min Hee-jin, Le Sserafim could have had a completely different lineup. Weren't Hanni and Hyein originally recruited by Source Music? Or was all this just fake PR?
  3. It feels like they exploited her as much as possible and then discarded her. I really dislike this.
  4. Even though they used her name, she still held back from involving NewJeans in it. How could she not be frustrated?
  5. Similarly, when she appeared on "You Quiz," she said that capital isn't everything, which got her a lot of backlash, with people thinking she had a big ego. But after understanding the context, it made more sense. It wasn't that she thought she was everything, but that she kept getting zeroed out by others.
  6. It's amazing that she held back for so long.
  7. There are idols who act unjustly while telling others to be righteous, idols who are lucky but act like they earned it all, and then people like Min Hee-jin, who get exploited for years and then end up getting pushed out. What's happening in this company?
  8. Min Hee-jin's career has been exploited. This is truly infuriating for a creator.
  9. This was from 2021, so Min Hee-jin has been holding back for three years, only speaking up because of HYBE's shady dealings. After hearing her backstory, it's impressive how much she held in.
  10. Honestly, Min Hee-jin is a saint. As a director, it's not like she can just grab a microphone and speak openly to defend herself. Imagine how frustrating it must have been to keep quiet while watching everything unfold. And it's not like the fans were entirely blameless; there were fan groups that were particularly vocal and aggressive.
  11. So it wasn't that she hated Le Sserafim; she was just frustrated with HYBE's manipulation and PR tactics. Knowing this, it makes sense.
  12. Even after her press conference, people criticized her for mentioning the names of other artists, but how could she not bring them up after what she went through? The company and its lackeys have no conscience.
  13. Look at all the PR manipulation.
  14. From watching the press conference in full, Min Hee-jin never spoke ill of Le Sserafim. She was just trying to correct misunderstandings because there was confusion about who was behind the groups. It’s not like she wanted to talk about Le Sserafim, but she had to explain that it wasn’t her group.
  15. She must have been so angry. I can understand why she would feel that way.
  16. HYBE is so sleazy. Just look at the groups they've created, full of middle-aged men’s tastes. It must be sickening for Min Hee-jin to have her name attached to them.
  17. It's like a job scam. They kept her from promoting her own work while using her name for their benefit. HYBE is so evil. I hope they get what they deserve.
  18. Did they stop her from promoting by dropping the music video first?
  19. This must have been so frustrating. How did she manage to endure it all?
  20. I would hate it too. Ugh, this is disgusting.
  21. Ugh…
  22. Blood pressure through the roof.
  23. During that time, they wouldn’t even let her say it was an all-new group. They deliberately made things confusing.
  24. She was called hypersensitive and neurotic back then, but now it makes sense. People didn’t understand, and it's surprising she didn’t get physically sick from the stress. Sorry for misunderstanding her.
  25. Right, that explanation was needed because they were spreading rumors that Source Music trainees were stolen.
  26. To clear things up: Minji was originally from Source Music, and Bang Si-hyuk asked Min Hee-jin to build a new group after HYBE acquired Source Music. However, after some disagreements, Bang decided to create Le Sserafim and pushed back Min Hee-jin's plans. Min Hee-jin then asked to leave Source Music to start her own label.
  27. One wrong move, and you're stuck with a bunch of shady people. It's like hell. Hope she can escape soon.
  28. Min Hee-jin and Hanni came up with the strategy.
  29. They exploited her name without her consent, but when she tried to promote her group, they set restrictions.
  30. People got upset at Min Hee-jin's press conference, but she never said anything negative about Le Sserafim. She was trying to correct misunderstandings.
  31. Using her name for PR without her consent? It’s sickening.
  32. Even the interview caused her more hate, but she has every reason to be frustrated.
  33. I bet this whole mess started back in 2021. This would drive anyone to insanity.
  34. I’d be livid too.
  35. Having to hold back from speaking the truth for so long must be torture.
  36. Even without the backstory, the interview doesn’t sound like someone who hates other groups. It seems like she just wanted to clear up misunderstandings.
  37. This whole thing is dirty.
  38. The more you know, the worse it gets.
  39. Corporate gossip can be soul-crushing. Min Hee-jin is truly a saint.
  40. HYBE is such a scummy company.
  41. I can’t stand these old dudes.
  42. Reiterating what others said, this whole thing is just disgusting.
  43. After watching the interview, everything makes sense.
  44. Given everything she’s been through, Min Hee-jin has really held back.
  45. What's "jawazawa"? Is that Japanese?
  46. Looking back, it's really sad.
  47. This is just vile.
  48. It's heartbreaking to imagine what she's gone through.
  49. "Jawazawa" is a Japanese term meaning "buzzing" or "whispering."
  50. Some people prefer not to use Japanese terms in Korean communities.
  51. It would be strange not to get upset about this.
  52. HYBE is full of scumbags.
  53. If I were her, I’d be furious.
  54. It's amazing she only said that much. She's a saint.
  55. HYBE's PR tactics are terrible.
  56. I hate their manipulative PR tactics.
  57. Min Hee-jin is a saint for putting up with all this.
  58. They just use and then discard people. HYBE is the worst.
  59. Everything Min Hee-jin says lines up. Even the fans of the artists were acting crazy.
  60. It seems they just wanted her name, and then they tossed her aside. I’d be so angry.
  61. If they launched Le Sserafim first, there's no way Min Hee-jin's group would get proper attention. It was impossible for her to promote her all-new group properly.
  62. Today is all about Le Sserafim, huh?
  63. I feel bad for Min Hee-jin. I regret criticizing her earlier.
  64. When I first heard about Min Hee-jin recruiting Sakura, I was puzzled. I thought she was working with fresh talent from the ground up, not recruiting existing idols.
  65. It's not the fault of the Le Sserafim members; it's HYBE that’s the problem.
  66. Just from the interview alone, it doesn't seem like Min Hee-jin hates Le Sserafim. It looks like the fans misunderstood her words.
  67. Can we stop using the term "jawazawa"? It's too common nowadays.
  68. The articles down below are just ridiculous.
  69. The concept doesn’t even fit with Min Hee-jin’s style. How did they expect her to be okay with this?
  70. It's amazing she endured all this.
  71. This is so malicious. There are too many bad people involved.
  72. HYBE is really evil. They used her as much as they could, and when she became a problem, they tried to discard her with manipulative PR.
  73. I really can't believe how low HYBE has fallen. It’s shocking. Even mentioning other artists’ names got her criticism. It's outrageous.
  74. I remember how confused everyone was at the time.
  75. The interview seemed like she was just trying to clear up misunderstandings, so I don’t understand why people thought she hated other groups. What made them think that?
  76. If HYBE hadn’t done all this PR manipulation, people wouldn't even have known the backstory. It's all HYBE's fault.
  77. I had to look up "jawazawa" because I didn’t know what it meant. Min Hee-jin must have felt so wronged.
  78. I’d understand if she didn’t like them. Not everyone can be expected to love every group.
  79. The fact that HYBE used her identity shows they have no class or integrity. It’s so pathetic.
  80. Even if you tried to separate the groups, would it really look appealing?
  81. I can't believe this happened.
  82. HYBE only wanted her name's reputation for their benefit.
  83. Bang Si-hyuk doesn’t even seem to understand her style, yet he exploited her for all she was worth. If he really had confidence, he could've just been honest about who was behind each group, but no, he just used her name to push his agenda.
  84. I can see how it would be easy to dislike them after everything that's happened. Yet, Min Hee-jin seems to hold no grudge, which shows her character. If it were me, I’d consider them enemies. How much has she had to hold back?
  85. Did they also use her name to lure trainees over to Le Sserafim? It wouldn't surprise me, considering their track record.
  86. Min Hee-jin is just a saint.
  87. Maybe she didn’t want her name associated with that middle-aged man’s taste in photoshoots. It’s disgusting.
  88. If the group concept wasn’t something Min Hee-jin even liked, but she was getting all the blame for it, of course she’d be angry. She just wanted to clear up the misunderstanding.
  89. It must have been so suffocating.
  90. Min Hee-jin is truly a saint.
  91. Someone needs to check the rules about using certain terms in these communities.
  92. This is the ultimate exploitation. I'd be furious, too.
  93. "Jawazawa" is not a new term. It became popular because of the manga "Kaiji." It’s been used online for over a decade. It’s strange to forbid the use of this term in a community called "The Duck."
  94. It’s understandable to get angry in this situation.
  95. If it’s all one company, who cares if you like it or not?
  96. If someone corrects a misunderstanding, how does that imply they hate someone else?
  97. They didn’t let her promote her own work but used her name for promoting others. It’s infuriating.
  98. Min Hee-jin is a saint.
  99. It’s amazing she kept quiet for so long.
  100. It seems they just exploited her without end.
  101. This is so frustrating.
  102. She’s a saint for enduring all this.
  103. They used other groups to promote endlessly; no wonder Min Hee-jin felt exploited.
  104. The deleted comments speak volumes about what’s really happening behind the scenes.
  105. Her press conference went viral, and she got so much backlash for it, even though she was just trying to correct misunderstandings. It's all because of people talking nonsense. It would've been better if they just kept quiet.
  106. It’s not just the PR; they kept making unreasonable demands, testing her patience. It’s a miracle she lasted so long.
  107. It seemed like there was tension between Source Music and HYBE, but no one thought it was because of Bang Si-hyuk's influence. It’s a mess.
  108. Knowing how much she had to put up with, it’s hard not to feel for her. She’s a saint for enduring it.
  109. It’s infuriating that Min Hee-jin had to defend herself for even mentioning other artists’ names during the press conference, even though she was trying to set the record straight.
  110. It turns out HYBE was the source of all the rumors.
  111. Looking at HYBE’s structure, it’s really odd. Most companies that own multiple labels let each one operate independently, with little interference. But HYBE’s setup is more like a central management system where each label has to answer to the main office, which is why conflicts arise. The labels can't operate freely because HYBE has so much control, leading to all this mess.
  112. It’s understandable for Min Hee-jin to be upset. They were using her name to promote, and when she tried to promote her group, they stopped her.
  113. To clarify: Initially, Min Hee-jin was supposed to create a new group under Source Music. However, Bang Si-hyuk kept changing the plans, eventually creating Le Sserafim without her. She then asked for independence from Source Music to start her own label, Ador. It’s ironic that they accused her of stealing trainees from Source Music when they were the ones causing the confusion.
  114. This all comes back to HYBE's flawed structure. It’s bizarre.
  115. I agree. HYBE’s multi-label structure is terrible.
  116. The press conference was a genius move. It’s good she did it. I’m so mad.
  117. It’s no wonder Min Hee-jin was so upset. She was dealing with all this in silence.
  118. If you don’t know the backstory, the interview might not seem that bad. It’s a clear attempt to correct misunderstandings. What’s wrong with that?
  119. If Min Hee-jin hadn’t spoken up, everything would've been swept under the rug. Thank goodness she did.
  120. Min Hee-jin had to endure all this without saying anything. It’s heartbreaking.
  121. Imagine being Min Hee-jin and hearing rumors that Sakura is your muse. It’s enough to make anyone furious.
  122. What’s the truth about HYBE? There are so many lies.
  123. How do you sleep at night when people use your name without permission?
  124. Min Hee-jin was forced to keep quiet while they exploited her name, yet she stayed calm. It’s impressive.
  125. Office politics are never easy, especially when people have their own agendas. Those who just want to make money will push their ideas, ignoring everyone else. It’s no wonder Min Hee-jin felt so frustrated.
  126. Sometimes it’s better to delete your comments.
  127. When comments are deleted, it’s often a sign of a toxic environment.
  128. HYBE is such a strange label.
  129. I remember when this all started, but it makes sense now.
  130. Min Hee-jin, with her honest words, only speaks the truth.
  131. I feel for the person who has to deal with all this.
  132. It’s no wonder people are hesitant to speak out when this is how they’re treated.
  133. Min Hee-jin’s press conference was a turning point. Without it, the truth would’ve stayed hidden.
  134. HYBE seems to be pushing out a lot of PR pieces, as if trying to maintain confusion.
  135. They used her so much; it’s outrageous.
  136. If they leave people confused, it’s easier to manipulate them.
  137. Some fans were bragging about how Min Hee-jin was involved in creating Le Sserafim, but when the truth came out, they got embarrassed and overreacted.
  138. It’s completely understandable to be frustrated with all this.
  139. It’s fortunate Min Hee-jin had a platform to share her side of the story; otherwise, she might’ve lost her mind.
  140. HYBE's low standards are shocking.
  141. Anyone would feel frustrated with this situation.
  142. How could anyone like this? Min Hee-jin is amazing for holding back as much as she has.
  143. Those early articles about Le Sserafim came out long before they debuted. A few days later, there were articles about other members joining, but at least some articles clarified that Min Hee-jin was working on a separate group. They also interviewed her later on.


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