ENA's crash viewer ratingS

Nationwide / metropolitan area

1. 2.232 / 2.640 đź”»Lowest
2. 3.039 / 3.016
3. 3.801 / 4.087
4. 4.084 / 4.197 🔺Best


  1. It seems like the ratings go up if it's fun, even for ENA, but the trend is crazyă…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹
  2. This is so fun
  3. Is there an OTT service for this?
  4. ☞3덬 Disney Plus
  5. It's so fună…‹ă…‹ă…‹ It feels like "Step-by-Step" on Thursdays and Fridays, and I heard the director is Mo Taek-gamă…‹ă…‹ă…‹
  6. It's so much fun
  7. It's so fun, it's likely to get even more popular
  8. It's fun
  9. I watched a bit and it was fun
  10. This is fun
  11. I want to watch this, is it only on DPL? I watch everything except DPL
  12. Choo-i is good
  13. Watch this, it's fună…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹
  14. I accidentally started watching it because it seemed more fun than the 2nd episode
  15. Watching a weekday drama for the first time in a while, it's fun
  16. ENA dramas seem to be made quite well, this one's fun too
  17. Wow, this is immediately at 4%
  18. Lee Min-ki is in it; I don't understand how it's getting buried even on the community
  19. If it's not Lee Min-ki, I watch it right away, but...
  20. My mom and dad enjoyed it
  21. Choo-i is amazing
  22. It's on ENA but it's coming out well...
  23. It seems like word of mouth has spread ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹
  24. It's so fună…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹ă…‹
  25. Lee Min-ki is secretly a good actor, there are many enjoyable thingsă…‹ă…‹
  26. Wow, even though it's ENA, it seems really fun / Oh, I was thinking of watching it, and it turns out the actor is Lee Min-ki..
  27. Lee Min-ki isn't great, but the drama is somewhat interesting, but it doesn't feel interesting, and the lead actors' acting is floating, and they don't seem to have good chemistry with each other, so it's not that fun
  28. Why Lee Min-ki? Is he sick? The ratings for Crash were going up steadily, so I was going to watch it
  29. Oh, I was curious about that already, it seems fun - I should watch it
  30. If it's at 4% on that channel, it must be really good, I'm curious
  31. It's so fun, try it, try it
  32. It's even more enjoyable because actors who used to play villains are now leadsă…‹ă…‹ă…‹ They seem cooler and it's so fun
  33. Our mom watches it with great interestă…‹ă…‹ă…‹
  34. It seems fun, it's hard to come out that well on that channel
  35. It's fun. Also, for those who watch TV, there are a lot of reruns if you just flip through the channels, so give it a try... Otherwise, I'm watching a rerun right now.
  36. It's worth watching, I watch reruns all the timeă…‹ă…‹ă…‹
  37. This is fun, I just turned it on while flipping through channels and ended up watching it to the end
  38. This is fună…Ž
  39. There are a lot of reruns, so you can watch the rerun and then watch the live broadcast on TVă…‹ă…‹ I personally think the actors' performances and chemistry are just okay, but the story is well-structured and fun
  40. The writer did a good job, the composition is solid and enjoyable
  41. Even though it's a minor channel like ENA, Choo-i is doing really well... As expected, if it's fun, it rises... Even if they try to find faults, it rises. No matter what they do, if Choo-i declines, they keep blaming the actors, but the drama is all about the fun
  42. Our mom said it's fun
  43. After reading the comments, I looked up Lee Min-ki and omg...🤮
  44. This is seriously fun, the ratings are honest
  45. The content is refreshing and not boring
  46. So fun
  47. I'm actually in the same field as Lee Min-ki, so I got PTSD and couldn't watch it, but it seems to be popular..
  48. It's quite surprising that Lee Min-ki keeps appearing
  49. But this is fun, it's interesting with the car-related crimes
  50. It's the entertainment industry, even if they commit crimes, they quietly come out after a few years, and the foolish public who watch it even if it comes out again are the problem, right?
  51. Almost every episode catches the criminal without any clues, so I think the ratings will be good
  52. I didn't watch it because the first episode seemed childish, but it seems okay, maybe I should watch more
  53. Oh, I felt kind of uncomfortable after watching the first episode, but is it fun?
  54. It's so fun
  55. Oh, Lee Min-ki's batting average is good, I should watch it
  56. I hope Moon-hee does well
  57. I thought "ena" was the title, but it's the channel name;;; I didn't know there was such a channel. Crash is the title. I should look it up.
  58. Because of attorney Woo Young-woo, I ended up watching ENA dramas quite often
  59. I'm watching it too, it's fun
  60. Why do they keep mentioning Lee Min-ki?
  61. Lee Min-ki chooses his dramas well
  62. It's so fun, everyone should watch it, it's perfect for watching with family, try it, try it
  63. Oh, I thought I was the only one watching, it's good as a dinner companion
  64. Wow, Lee Min-ki is sick... what should I do... I watched it because the drama seemed fună… ă… ă… ă… 
  65. It's so fun, the cases are interesting and the humor is just right
  66. Wow, Lee Min-ki....
  67. I don't watch because Lee Min-ki is in it
  68. This is roughly the content of the traffic crime investigation teamă…‹ă…‹ The actors' performances are good and the story is interesting
  69. 98. It doesn't seem like it's been around for a long time, but it seems like Lee Min-ki is not mentioned at all, which is surprisingIt's fun
  70. This is fun


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