[Exclusive] Kim Hye-yoon, the full story of the controversy over neglect by her agency (comprehensive)

[MyDaily = Reporter Nam Hye-yeon] "Although there was controversy regarding the schedule, we were hesitant to provide a clarification because we didn't want to cause trouble for either the former or current agency. Since it wasn't true, time was needed." (Source close to Kim Hye-yoon)
"The drama wrapped up, and since Kim Hye-yoon changed agencies afterward, there would naturally be a time gap compared to Byun Woo-seok's agency, which had planned things from the beginning. The person most upset right now would be Kim Hye-yoon." (Drama staff)
Kim Hye-yoon is also feeling upset.
While she wanted to directly explain the controversy surrounding her, she was concerned it might lead to more misunderstandings, so she decided to wait for the right timing. Additionally, she felt sorry for her current agency, which was restructuring her schedule and discussing new projects for her.
To get to the point, Kim Hye-yoon's schedule is now in full swing as of this month. According to MyDaily's exclusive report on the 9th, she's already completed a photoshoot, has conducted a written interview with an overseas media outlet, and is set to appear on YouTube content "Salon de Ripa" with Jang Do-yeon.
Following the end of the drama, she's also planning interviews with local reporters, where she will address the recent controversy and set the record straight.

A drama official told MyDaily, "We didn't expect the drama to gain this much popularity. However, in the case of Byun Woo-seok, plans for various events such as fan meetings were in place from the beginning, so a lot of preparation was done before the drama started."
"On the other hand, it was different for Kim Hye-yoon. The timing of her transition to a new agency was uncertain. She joined after finishing the drama 'Sonjae's Escape,' which delayed discussions on various matters. Both parties worked on it, but the coordination took some time," they explained with a hint of regret.
tvN's drama 'Sonjae's Escape' is gaining considerable popularity. While lead actor Byun Woo-seok's popularity has skyrocketed, leading to fan meetings and variety show appearances, the lack of public information about Kim Hye-yoon's schedule became an issue.
The controversy stemmed from posts on online communities. Given that schedules were not finalized, this led to escalating misunderstandings.
Another official stated, "We didn't expect the controversy that started in the community to grow so large. It was an error stemming from the timing when Kim Hye-yoon moved from her former agency to the current one. The former agency was preparing for a smooth transition, while the new agency, as they were just beginning, had other discussions that were delayed. It wasn't like they started together from the beginning, making clarification challenging."

Despite the incident, it's a good problem to have. Both lead actors have garnered significant attention not just domestically but internationally. Byun Woo-seok is commonly referred to by his character's name, 'Sonjae,' while Kim Hye-yoon is known as 'Sol.' It's a moment of reaping the rewards for both actors who have consistently worked on projects.
Though the controversy was resolved, it was a brief moment of difficulty for the actors.
Another insider shared, "Kim Hye-yoon wanted to explain everything, so she posted a photo on her SNS, but this led to misunderstandings that she was working alone, without agency support. It was a challenging day for Kim Hye-yoon, but she expressed gratitude for the drama's success and the interest in her. She's taking time to prepare for new roles with excitement for her upcoming projects."

  1. "What did these actors do to deserve this? Why do weirdos always have to cause drama?"
  2. "So annoying... All these delusional fans causing chaos. Just leave people alone."
  3. "It's infuriating to see obsessive fans thinking they're doing something good while causing so much stress. The only ones suffering are the actors and genuine fans."
  4. "She just switched agencies not even a month ago. How can they expect everything to be perfectly managed instantly? The people causing all this fuss clearly don’t understand or care about the actor's situation."
  5. "I bet even this article will get criticized by those who think the actor is being used as a shield. It never ends."
  6. "Wouldn't the staff members or other actors, who received hateful comments from fans, be the ones more deeply hurt by this?"
  7. "Sigh."
  8. "Overreaction much?"
  9. "Ridiculous. What's all the fuss about?"
  10. "Stay strong, actors."
  11. "Most of the backlash this morning seemed to come from foreign fans. Those types just hop from one popular drama to another, causing chaos. It's really frustrating for the genuine fans and the actors."
  12. "Why can't people just support their favorite actor without causing drama? All this nonsense creates unnecessary stress."
  13. "((((((((((Kim Hye-yoon))))))))))"
  14. "It must have been uncomfortable for her."
  15. "Why does it have to be like this?"
  16. "Seriously, what did Kim Hye-yoon do to deserve this? Get lost, all you trolls. Stop causing drama."
  17. "The actor must have felt uncomfortable being caught in the middle of all this. She just switched agencies, and people were giving her a hard time."
  18. "Why is this drama causing so much commotion?"
  19. "Why do people criticize everything? When she posts on Instagram, they say she's working alone; when she doesn't post, they say she's not doing enough. It's exhausting."
  20. "Kim Hye-yoon, stay strong."
  21. "Stay strong, Hye-yoon."
  22. "Kim Hye-yoon must have had a hard time with all these crazy people causing drama. She just switched agencies, give her some time."
  23. "Why are some obsessive fans creating unnecessary drama? It only makes things difficult for the actors and their teams."
  24. "The world is full of ridiculous people. ((((((Kim Hye-yoon)))))"
  25. "Kim Hye-yoon, stay strong."
  26. "Kim Hye-yoon must have felt so uncomfortable. She just switched agencies, and people are causing all this chaos."
  27. "Poor Kim Hye-yoon..."
  28. "Why is this happening? It's absurd."
  29. "Kim Hye-yoon, keep doing great things! I hope she gets more opportunities and continues to succeed."
  30. "All this drama caused by trolls and obsessive fans. It's the actor who suffers."
  31. "Why do people create chaos over nothing?"
  32. "Kim Hye-yoon, stay strong!"
  33. "How does this escalate to this level? It’s ridiculous."
  34. "Acorn Media (the agency) actually does a good job with their actors. This entire drama is so unnecessary."
  35. "Some people just can't wait and end up causing trouble. It’s like they're all crazy, constantly comparing everything and creating chaos."
  36. "Seriously, what's all the fuss about?"
  37. "Why are drama fans so annoying?"
  38. "Kim Hye-yoon, stay strong. I've liked her since 'Extraordinary You.' I hope she gets even more opportunities to succeed."
  39. "Kim Hye-yoon, don't let it get to you!"
  40. "It seems like drama fans are full of delusional people."
  41. "The timing of the agency switch was a bit tricky. It happened after filming but before airing, which made things complicated."
  42. "Why does the actor have to suffer because of all this nonsense?"
  43. "If you don't even know when the actor switched agencies, you shouldn't be calling yourself a fan."
  44. "Why do journalists overreact? It's not even a big deal, but they keep blowing things out of proportion."
  45. "It makes sense that things got complicated with the agency switch. Just give them some time to adjust."
  46. "Why is there no proper spacing in the article? It makes it hard to read."
  47. "I doubt these people are genuine fans."
  48. "Is this really worth explaining? It's just ridiculous."
  49. "Why is this worthy of a headline? It's just absurd."
  50. "These troublesome fans aren't even genuine fans. They'll soon move on to another drama. Stop causing chaos."
  51. "It’s understandable why things got complicated after the agency switch. Just give them some time to adjust."
  52. "Fans who truly care about the actors wouldn't cause this much chaos."
  53. "Kim Hye-yoon, stay strong! You seem to be a thoughtful actor, and I look forward to seeing more of your work."
  54. "If these people were true fans, they would have known about the agency switch and wouldn't have caused all this drama."
  55. "The difference in treatment between agencies was clear. One had prepared in advance, and the other had to adjust after the switch."
  56. "Kim Hye-yoon, stay strong."
  57. "Kim Hye-yoon, stay strong!"
  58. "Why do delusional fans make a big deal out of nothing?"
  59. "We need to protect Kim Hye-yoon."
  60. "Delusional fans need to stop causing chaos."

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