The hashtag that Seventeen's overseas fandom is all over is #Han Seong-soo_Holding hands with Bang Si-hyuk_To the Han River



  1. Supporting the trip to Han River
  2. Considering the artist, this is normal. Haha
  3. International fans are so good at this. Haha
  4. OMG, the video is hilarious. Haha
  5. A smart and sensible fandom.
  6. #Protect_Han_River_Depth #OhSeHoon_If_You_Don't_Fill_It,_BangSiHyuk_Will
  7. Haha, this is how it should be, Carats. Hwaiting
  8. The hashtag is over 100k now. Haha, international fans are so mad.
  9. Sungsoo, Si-hyuk, read the fans' feelings.
  10. Screwing over the artists and fans.
  11. Hwaiting. I'm jealous of the unity between domestic and international fandoms.
  12. Seriously, please dive.
  13. Hahaha, the hashtag is hilarious.
  14. Considering they succeeded in a boycott before, most of them seem normal.
  15. So funny. Hahahahaha
  16. That's strong. Hahahahahahahahaha
  17. Watching, it seems they caused trouble right before the last album too, and now they're using the group's debut anniversary to cause chaos. Fans are really pissed. Haha
  18. Protect Han River. Hahahahaha
  19. Over 100k retweets. Hahahaha crazy
  20. Ah, damn. Hahahahahahahahaha the fans' sense is amazing. They must be upset, but hwaiting.
  21. Let's go to Han River.
  22. Supporting the trip to Han River.
  23. Hahahaha, why are international fans so good at this?
  24. Hahaha, look at the unity between domestic and international fans. Carats, hwaiting.
  25. Hahaha, fans, hwaiting.
  26. Considering the artist, this is normal. Looking at this, those ‘other’ international fans were really weird.
  27. The international fans here seem normal.
  28. Unexpected? Didn't international fans side with HYBE?
  29. ☞28 SEVENTEEN's international fans have always been the ones getting attacked by those HYBE (BTS) fans... Of course, they wouldn't like them.
  30. ☞28 Isn't that BTS fans?
  31. ☞28 There's only one international fandom that sides with HYBE... Other fandoms under HYBE also criticize HYBE.
  32. ☞28 SEVENTEEN fans have been getting attacked by HYBE (BTS) fans since SEVENTEEN joined the company, so SEVENTEEN's international fans wouldn't react well... The international fans who support Bang are mostly BTS fans.
  33. ☞28 SEVENTEEN grew big enough on their own before joining, and it was rumored that they were hastily merged to fill BTS's military hiatus. So, from the start, fans were bitter about HYBE. The quality of YouTube content and goods declined after joining HYBE, and there are many grievances. All of this is because Han Sungsoo sold shares to HYBE.
  34. SEVENTEEN fans are so cool.
  35. Look at the spirit. Hahahaha
  36. Honestly, BTS fans are the weird ones.
  37. ☞35 Even excluding Min Heejin and NewJeans, how could anyone support HYBE's actions? That's why BTS fans are weird.
  38. Go to Han River, Sungsoo.
  39. The wording from international fans is even scarier. Hahahaha
  40. The video made by international fans is hilarious. Hahahahaha
  41. Out of nowhere, your nails are pretty.
  42. Are they going to get sued by the Yongsan pig?? Hahaha
  43. It's so funny how they know exactly what 'go to Han River' means. Hwaiting~
  44. Supporting
  45. The hashtag is crazy. Hahahahahahahahaha they're running wild, amazing.
  46. Walk on the melted Han River!!
  47. Crazy. Go to Han River.
  48. The Han River water must have warmed up by now.
  49. So funny. Even international fans are mad.
  50. The Minions video is funny and well-made. Hahahaha
  51. The crazy man really set things off when fans were already holding back since the comeback. There's no way kind words would come out.
  52. As expected, those who are fans of their artists rather than the company have their heads on straight.
  53. I've seen many cases where I dislike an artist because of their fans, but this is the first time I'm liking an artist more because of their fans. Hahaha
  54. Hwaiting
  55. Beating them up isn't enough, it's only natural to hate them. Haha
  56. This is normal. BTS fans really are the weird ones. Their fandom seems more like HYBE fans rather than BTS fans.
  57. Are they dating??
  58. The first video is so funny.
  59. The international fans here are smart.
  60. Haha, the Minions are so cute. Hahaha
  61. But in my experience, K-pop international fans are generally extreme company haters. It's normal, but why are BTS international fans different?
  62. Han sold Pledis to Bang and then disappeared, and now he's no longer CEO. Doing this right before SEVENTEEN's concert and 9th anniversary is outrageous. So it's natural for the fandom to bash Han Sungsoo.
  63.  Han Sungsoo's opinions are his own and do not represent SEVENTEEN fans' opinions. The first tweet video is really well made. Hahaha
  64. As a BTS fan, this is normal. Our fandom has a bizarre group that defends HYBE and Bang Si-hyuk more than BTS, almost like they work for them.
  65. Did something happen with Pledis?
  66. ☞65 Han Sungsoo wrote a petition in support of Bang.
  67. SEVENTEEN's success has nothing to do with HYBE, but now they're siding with a shady company and writing petitions. It's understandable why fans are angry.
  68. Bang's people should all die.
  69. Wow, intense. I wish it was like this when my group left HYBE.
  70. They already do crappy work and then pull this stunt at a crucial time. Hahaha
  71. Honestly, I'd be mad too if they caused this much trouble while mentioning my favorite artist. Hahaha
  72. The trending list is crazy. Fans held back for a month and finally exploded.
  73. The articles about SEVENTEEN's comeback were already off-putting, but today is unbelievable..
  74. Supporting the fans! And congratulations to SEVENTEEN for the Nissan concert!
  75. Wow, even the international fandom has the same opinion. They must have been holding a lot in.
  76. Han should just stay quiet. He made so much money from SEVENTEEN and selling to HYBE, now he should just stay put.
  77. Why is the Minions video so funny? Hahahaha
  78. Seriously, a big f*** you right before the 9th anniversary... Han Sungsoo and Bang should hold hands and go to the Han River quickly.


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