tvN’s Viewership Trends

Nationwide / metropolitan area

1. 3.073 / 3.176

2. 2.710 / 2.918 πŸ”»Lowest

3. 3.444 / 3.678

4. 3.378 / 4.069

5. 3.435 / 3.834

6. 3.377 / 3.946

7. 4.459 / 5.259

8. 4.095 / 4.656

9. 4.759 / 5.638 πŸ”ΊBest

10. 4.752 / 5.973
11. 4.735 / 5.670

  1. At work, even the women in their 40s talk about Seonjae. Definitely not just for those in their twenties and thirties lol.
  2. My people from Tamyang were all tuning in to watch the live broadcast, dammit.
  3. It's too childish for me to watch....
  4. What the heck, I'm in my forties and everyone around me, including my colleagues, only talks about that lol.
  5. I watch it on Tiving too lol Everyone around me is going crazy about it.
  6. I watch it on Tiving too, but...
  7. I'm going overseas, but I'm installing a VPN to watch the live broadcast, sigh.
  8. Lately, the only drama that gets any talk on my hate feed is this one, so I might check it out this weekend haha.
  9. Even though it's a weekend drama, it's got enough buzz from the get-go to make people talk about it. I don't watch any dramas myself, but I've never heard anyone at work talk about a drama like this. It's got a lot of buzz if multiple people are talking about it. Nowadays, you can't judge solely by ratings, but if you have to, weekend dramas and daily dramas are the top.
  10. I saw on Tiving that over 90% of people were watching the live broadcast yesterday. I watch it on Tiving too.
  11. I've never watched it, but what's the controversy about this drama? The reactions don't seem positive...
  12. ☞11, They're just nitpicking based on ratings even though there's no controversy.
  13. It's so fun, sigh.
  14. Judging by the ratings, it seems like it's doing well lol
  15. But everyone around me watches it on Tiving, and those who don't watch Tiving watch it on YouTube clips lol I watch it on Tiving too.
  16. This one doesn't seem to bring in high ratings either.
  17. But it might hit 5 or 6% on its final episode.
  18. Yeah, it seems like whenever something does well, people start nitpicking.
  19. It seems like everyone watches it on Tiving.
  20. It's kinda eerie...
  21. Even though I haven't watched it, everyone around me was glued to the live broadcast of episode 11 lol It seems meaningless to me.
  22. It's really crazy, but it's surprising that the ratings aren't rising accordingly.
  23. It's perfectly reasonable to say that the ratings aren't coming in as expected, but it just seems like the hardcore fans are making a big deal out of it.
  24. It's entertaining, but they should tone down the comedy...γ…œγ…œ And everyone seems to watch it on demand nowadays... hardly anyone watches TV anymore... It's so fun, but it's disappointing that the ratings aren't higher.
  25. To say it's for people in their twenties and thirties when the leads are doing so well...
  26. What's with people talking about TV ratings in this day and age? Lol They're totally fixated on that.
  27. To me, it's the top drama for off-line buzz this year, but the ratings are almost fixed. Maybe it's because there are more people watching on Tiving than on TV.
  28. Judging by how much it's talked about around me, it definitely isn't just for people in their twenties and thirties; it's just not capturing the middle-aged group at all.
  29. They were all making a fuss about dissing the male lead when it was gaining traction from the start, but now that's been exposed too, they're scraping the barrel with ratings. Why bother paying attention and stirring the pot when if a drama flops, it'll flop on its own?
  30. It's probably because it's more focused on the younger generation... The buzz is insane, everyone around me is talking about the live broadcast lol.
  31. Even those who used to criticize dramas for getting 1% or 2% in ratings now find out that Tiving has a 90% share. Do they think those who don't even know the market share think that 4% is a huge achievement?
  32. Isn't it natural for works that gather a lot of interest and have plenty to discuss to be the focus of the community? Last year, even the movie "Slam Dunk" with over 4 million viewers garnered immense attention regardless of gender or age. "Duen2," which collected 2 million viewers, was discussed in almost every community as if it were a blockbuster movie. Besides, communities aren't just about ratings.
  33. More than anything, I'm curious about the psychology of those who mock people enjoying something different from them. They were like this even when "My Liberation Day" was airing, and now they're getting tired of those obsessed with ratings. Those who keep throwing around the term "community" seem to be the ones most fixated on it.
  34. Compared to the buzz, it seems like the ratings aren't coming in.
  35. I don't watch any of it around me lol Is it just for people who do community or internet stuff? There are dramas like that too, right?
  36. Even if you're a bum, you can tell how popular something is just by talking to friends, especially if you're a woman in your 20s or 30s lol I don't even know how many people are doing the live broadcast hustle over text.
  37. I watch it on Tiving too. I saved yesterday's episode to watch it later. Laloo.
  38. I'm in my twenties but all they talk about at work is Seonjae... The ratings seem way too low compared to the buzz.
  39. I think they'll surpass 5% today.
  40. My non-fan friends were going crazy lol.
  41. Even though I don't watch it, those who do are so loud... lol While stuff like "Nunyeo" just quietly airs.
  42. Tvn said it's feeling popular regardless of ratings lol
  43. It would have been nice to discuss it with everyone around, but it would be even better if the viewership ratings went up more.
  44. Isn't that a huge deal because it's not at that level? Right now, it's causing a frenzy with the music charts and the buzz metrics, what's going on?
  45. Solid observation haha
  46. The hype made it seem like it was a huge hit because it was coming up so often, but turns out it wasn't.
  47. I'm watching it on Tving too...
  48. The viewership ratings are not that great compared to what I expected.
  49. Maybe the people who are losing in the ratings but making a fuss about it are just the ones stuck in their own online community who can't really feel the impact? πŸ˜‚ Maybe from an offline perspective, this is the best reaction ever. Or maybe it's because they're primarily from the age group that uses OTT platforms rather than watching TV, so they're obsessed with ratings?
  50. Maybe because there are a lot of people watching it on Tving, that's why the ratings are low.
  51. What are they fighting about? Even just looking at the music charts, it seems like there's a good response.
  52. "I'm not interested more than anyone else, but I'm commenting harder than anyone else." πŸ˜‚
  53. I heard someone at the next table talking about this drama when I was at the cafΓ©.
  54. I paid for Tving to watch it, and it was over 90% yesterday. What's with these market share figures?
  55. LOL, that's a funny observation! It seems like those who are making a fuss about the ratings not coming out are the ones who can't feel the impact... πŸ˜‚ Yeah, maybe they're more focused on offline interactions, where this drama is getting the best response. Or maybe it's because they're from the age group that primarily uses OTT platforms rather than TV, so they're fixated on ratings?
  56. Originally, they targeted high-purchasing power women in their 30s at the broadcasting station, and they were really happy because the 20-30 demographic was much higher than expected. So what's the point of fretting over ratings?
  57. Regardless, it's super fun for me, but it'd be nice if it could hit 5% with all this back and forth.
  58. The expression is hilarious πŸ˜‚ Yeah, it seems like those who find it fun and engaging are the ones who are having a blast discussing it. Ah, now I'm sure after reading this comment. It seems like there are people who don't like seeing others enjoying themselves so much. πŸ˜‚
  59. But seriously, why are those who are upset about the ratings not coming out getting upset...? (I'm doing fine enjoying it)
  60. Not a single controversy...
  61. Compared to what's being mentioned, yeah, not much controversy.
  62. Even though I didn't see anyone around me watching it, it seemed to be reflected in the music charts. They had OSTs ranking high, but I haven't listened to them.
  63. If the response is significant enough to be considered a hit, then even maintaining this level of ratings should be fine, right? And anyway, ratings are almost guaranteed to go up towards the end.
  64. Honestly, if you're a woman in your 20s to 40s, isn't it hard to not notice the pre-released episodes these days? Everyone I meet is talking about it. πŸ˜‚ Unless you don't have a social life and hardly any friends...
  65. Nowadays, who even watches TV? Everything except ratings is considered the mainstream.
  66. The real-time viewing ratings are reflected on Tving.
  67. I thought there was a great buzz around it because everyone around me was excited about it, but the ratings seem lower than expected. I didn't watch it though. πŸ˜‚ But both Instagram and The Duk seem to be buzzing about it.
  68. If everyone around is talking about it, then the ratings should be higher, right? πŸ˜‚ There are so many posts on The Duk about it every day, so it must be really popular.
  69. It's so fun! Everyone, enjoy it to the fullest! πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’š
  70. It's strange that no one around me is watching it.
  71. Even if it's only for 30 seconds, if you meet someone from work or a friend, they're all talking about pre-released episodes. "Did you see the pre-release?" "Sunjae is the best." That's all they talk about, but is it because everyone is watching it on Tving?
  72. Seems like only my circle isn't watching it.
  73. Even if you have a TV, why aren't you watching? πŸ˜‚ It's not all about ratings, but the previous show had ratings around 10% in the same time slot.
  74. Nowadays, even if you have a TV, you watch it on Tving at home.
  75. The ratings don't seem to match the buzz compared to the real-life conversations about pre-released episodes being more common than what Nundy has said.
  76. All the 20-30s women at my company only talk about Sunjae, seriously.
  77. It's so fun! My Mondays and Tuesdays used to be dull, but now I enjoy them.
  78. Then why isn't the broadcasting station acknowledging its popularity? It's pathetic if they can't recognize something that's so popular...
  79. Our company's ladies have endless topics to discuss, haha.
  80. Even the people around me who aren't watching know about Sunjae, but they're all waiting for the end before binge-watching. 😭 Gotta keep up with the live broadcast!
  81. My mom in her 50s watches pre-released episodes, haha.
  82. It's funny how everyone around is talking about it.
  83. Just by seeing how many comments there are, you can tell it's hot.
  84. Those who say the broadcasting station is surprised by the buzz but the ones who think it's not that great are just scratching the surface, haha. They only see what's on the surface.
  85. Regardless of the ratings, just looking at how much it's being discussed, it's definitely a hit. Or maybe those who don't care are just completely indifferent. πŸ˜‚
  86. It's so much fun! πŸ˜‚
  87. It's so entertaining, it's making my life happier. Sunjae, fighting!!!!
  88. Just looking at the number of comments on this post, you can tell it's hot.
  89. The broadcasting station is surprised by the buzz, but those who think it's not that great are just seeing the scratching of the surface. All they see is the surface, haha.
  90. It's so much fun! πŸ˜‚
  91. It's too entertaining. πŸ˜‚

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