aespa 'Live My Life' Universe + PhotoS concept


  1. "Crazy, shouldn't they play this on music shows? The song is so good."
  2. "The song is good."
  3. "Totally feels like youth."
  4. "Ah, damn, tears, aespa 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹."
  5. "What? The song is so good."
  6. "Crazy... 🥹🥹🥹."
  7. "Wow, the song is really good, insane."
  8. "ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Guys..."
  9. "If they perform this at a concert, it'll be exciting and fun."
  10. "The song is really good, right?"
  11. "Ah, this is so good, seriously."
  12. "The song is really good."
  13. "Wow, it's so good."
  14. "Wow, it's refreshing."
  15. "The song is so good... 😭😭😭."
  16. "The song is so good, it's overwhelming 😭😭😭😭😭😭 They did so well with the first full-length album."
  17. "Youth is great, but it ends meaningfully in the end."
  18. "It's so good. Concert scenes are already coming to mind."
  19. "Wow 😭😭 It's rock."
  20. "Ah, it reminds me of 'Time Flies,' and it's so good. They captured this feeling so well 😭😭😭😭."
  21. "Otaku, tears are flowing, ha."
  22. "Wow, I wanted this so much 😭😭😭.
  23. "The song is so good."
  24. "aespa, I love you 💙💜💙💜💙💜."
  25. "Damn, the song is so damn good."
  26. "Youth Spa... 😭😭😭😭😭."
  27. "The song is really, really good, and I've been waiting for this vibe, so it's really good."
  28. "Among the tracks, this song is the best, lol."
  29. "aespa, I love you 😭😭😭."
  30. "The song is so good, wow."
  31. "The song is really good."
  32. "The song is so good 🥹🥹."
  33. "The song is really good."
  34. "The song is exciting and good."
  35. "This is youth 😇🥹."
  36. "It's too short, play more ㅜ."
  37. "Wow, 'Meteor Shower' is such a good song."
  38. "This song is crazy..."
  39. "Ah, the song is so good."
  40. "Wow, it's really good, it feels like it'll make you tear up when you hear it at a concert.
  41. "Is the last part about alien invasion or something?"
  42. "Wow, the song is so good."
  43. "The song is good, and the video is so pretty."
  44. "Wow, the song is so good 😭😭😭😭."
  45. "It's youth 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭."
  46. "The song is good 😭😭."
  47. "The song is so good 😭😭😭."
  48. "Why am I tearing up?"
  49. "It'll be so exciting at the concert 😭😭😭 But wow, Karina's vocals... so good."
  50. "Wow, damn, the song is so good."
  51. "😭😭."
  52. "This was the song that stuck with me the most from the album."
  53. "No, the song is so good. I'm really looking forward to aespa's activities this time, especially the next song. Lol."
  54. "The song is insane, seriously so good."
  55. "Please, can they perform this on music shows...?"
  56. "The song, the video, and aespa, all so good."
  57. "Please, even if just for one week, can they perform this on music shows...?"
  58. "Ah, it's so, so, so, so good, I'm going crazy."
  59. "No, can they please perform this on music shows after their promotions end? Even if it's just for one week...! 😭😭"
  60. "Give us the song... give us the song!!!
  61. "The song is good, right?"
  62. "So far, all the songs that have been released are seriously so good."
  63. "Wow, the song is so good."
  64. "Wow, the song is so good."
  65. "The song is so good, please release it quickly 😭😭😭."
  66. "aespa, 😭😭."
  67. "Among all the videos so far, this one is my favorite. It's almost like aespa toned it down a bit, but it fits so well 😂😂😂😂."
  68. "The song is good."
  69. "No, the song is so good??? They should release a live clip of this."
  70. "Crazy 😭😭😭😭😭😭."
  71. "The song is so uplifting, the video is so beautiful 😭😭😭 it's so good.
  72. "This is crazy, both the video and the song, just crazy."
  73. "Wow, it's youth."
  74. "It's getting all fluffy and nice, so good 😭😭😭😭."
  75. "So good 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭."
  76. "Fans must be so happy...."
  77. "aespa's favorite b-side tracks: 'Peppy Peppy,' 'Ringgo,' 'Yolo,' 'Live My Life' (New!)."
  78. "Even aespa from some random universe spending an ordinary youth is so good, it's getting all fluffy 😭😭😭."
  79. "Wow, the atmosphere is so nice.
  80. "The song is so damn good.
  81. "The song is really, really good."
  82. "Jjangspa, 😭😭. They're so precious. The song is so good."
  83. "Why do I feel like I'm about to cry? .
  84. "Exciting 💙💜."
  85. "I'm tearing up I hope they're happy."
  86. "I love Bandaespa so much."
  87. "Beautiful."
  88. "My pick!!"
  89. "Why do I feel like crying 😭😭😭."
  90. "It would be perfect if they sing this at the end of the concert 😭😭😭."
  91. "It's so pretty, why am I crying 😭 Jjangspa needs to be happy."
  92. "Because the members are so talented, they pull off every concept flawlessly."
  93. "Their full album is really packed with content."
  94. "So good 😭😭."
  95. "Is this the end of the song? It's short, right? Is it supposed to be short?"
  96. "☞195 덬 It's not the full song, they intentionally made it short!"
  97. "The full album is the best..."
  98. "I live my life Now I'm not afraid, don't hesitate Life is like a miracle I live my life From now on, it's real I'm the protagonist of my happy life"
  99. "What are these lyrics? They're so good 😭."
  100. "They're like the beautiful singers of the early 2000s 😭😭😭😭😭."
  101. "I really want to hear this song at their concert... It's like they're singing the ending song of a concert, with no special stage effects, no choreography, just the members holding microphones and singing... It's perfect as the ending song of the concert 😭😭😭😭😭.
  102. "They're so pretty."
  103. "It's so good, why am I crying 😭."
  104. "Wow, the song is so good. It feels like this album was really well-prepared, it's packed with content."
  105. "Their fashion gives me vibes from the early 2000s, it's slightly eerie but I hope that trend doesn't come back, it should just stay there 😭😭."
  106. "Karina's part is surprising, the song is not for babies."
  107. "Wow, Prince Winter's vocals at the concert would be amazing."
  108. "The photos give me a strange apocalyptic feeling, like girls singing their last song before the end of the world...
  109. "I'm happy to be an aespa fan... 🥺."
  110. "I was looking forward to this song and as expected, it's so good. I hope it's released tomorrow, waiting is hard."
  111. "The song is so good."
  112. "The song perfectly matches my taste."
  113. "I've been waiting for aespa to sing this kind of song... 😭😭😭."
  114. "The taste of the full album is exhilarating."
  115. "I hope the album comes out tomorrow, I can't wait anymore 😭😭😭."
  116. "Oh, the song is too short, but it's so good 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.
  117. "They're precious... aespa is the best...~~"


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