New Jeans music video director posted early in the morning

{Should I say it's amusing? After much deliberation, the top entertainment in our country made a move, and all it amounted to was someone accusing someone else of insulting them. I wish the end of that article had at least tried to be funny. I don't even understand what they were trying to say with such unfunny childishness and absurd attacks. Who were they trying to drive a wedge between with such endless bickering? If you truly thought you were right, did you really have to publish such a degrading article? And if you give a year and a half of vacation to kids who have only debuted for a year, isn't that just a period where someone will be remembered while someone else will be forgotten? Who will be remembered during that time? During the noisy past, I quietly hoped that Min Hee-jin, the representative, wouldn't get hurt. I, who was ignorant, couldn't understand the fight. But the article I encountered today was truly bewildering and frustrating. As someone who knows better than anyone how Min Hee-jin, the representative, thinks of the kids, I write down my confusion and frustration. Only the kids are pitiful.}

Attention, Hurt, Super Shy music video director


  1. It's all Hive's doing, starting with the gossip.
  2. Hive's behavior is disgraceful, just baseless gossip.
  3. The KakaoTalk messages have nothing to do with embezzlement.
  4. It's just gossip; did they start with personal conversations?
  5. What about Min Hee-jin's situation during the public opinion battle? No one supported her.
  6. Min Hee-jin was discussing her own KakaoTalk messages at the press conference. Hive twisted it into something else.
  7. Hive initiated grabbing other company's heads and gossiping about KakaoTalk without consent.
  8. Chatting with a friend about personal matters is considered evidence of embezzlement? Surprising.
  9. Exactly.
  10. Hive is too pathetic, honestly.
  11. After just two years of debut, taking a year and a half vacation is absurd. It would be less shameful if they just admitted they wanted to close NewJins.
  12. Going to a major company after being in one is not easy. How bizarre must it have been for those who worked together to turn against each other?
  13. Accusing embezzlement without proper evidence and resorting to meddling with people's private conversations is disgusting.
  14. This is exactly what Lexa does.
  15. To capture Udo, Min Hee-jin's favorability should be at least half. How can Hive sell 80% of Udo? No one can answer because it's an impossible structure. So Hive resorts to gossip instead of logical arguments.
  16. Hive is so emotional; they need to argue logically.
  17. All the nasty stuff Koreans dislike, Hive does it all. They're just despicable.
  18. The main content resonates too much.
  19. It was surprising to see a big company just spewing nonsense.
  20. Seriously.
  21. So pathetic.
  22. Seriously, so pathetic, so childish, a bunch of old geezers.
  23. If you want to talk about someone, why not say it to their face? Or is it because there's no subject, so you're making up stories about others?
  24. Ugh, seriously, only the kids are spared.
  25. ☞24, ??? How are you reading this?
  26. ☞24, Look at the context. I meant their behavior is childish, so calling it childish makes sense. I didn't mean to say it's genuine.
  27. ☞24, Do you have dyslexia? Read the text properly.
  28. ☞24, I'm going crazy, seriously 😂
  29. ☞24, Adeo's statement hasn't come out yet, so we don't know. That person probably just heard about the article and talked about it.
  30. ☞24, That person probably doesn't know either, but since people keep saying it was said to NewJins, it's frustrating, so they wrote that out of frustration.
  31. ☞24, But Hive was the one talking from the beginning, like saying Min Hee-jin went here and there.
  32. ☞24, Why can't they crack the original KakaoTalk messages?
  33. ☞24, Seems like you have dyslexia.
  34. ☞24, Are you missing the context? They tried to frame it as embezzlement but couldn't prove it, then tried to frame it as embezzlement but that didn't work either. In court, it's just an oral statement, do you know who said what to whom? Isn't this situation funny?
  35. Seriously, if you want to be childish, at least make it funny. All you're doing is being pathetic.
  36. Hi. I hope Min Hee-jin does well after leaving Hi. I'm really disappointed as a fan, and I'm sure other fans are too.
  37. Hive is really despicable.
  38. Exactly.
  39. Honestly, even with all this, seeing quiet fans and Den's, it seems like Hive is fat behind the scenes than they appear. They trusted Min Hee-jin, who said she observed everything behind the scenes. Even parents who entrusted their children, who were ready to abandon them from birth, and who started a new company to separate them, who would they choose between someone who wanted to abandon them from birth and someone who signed a slave contract to lead them? Even I would choose the latter with my eyes closed.
  40. ☞39, Show us the evidence of embezzlement, you idiots
  41. ☞39, Sure, that's one way to look at it. Personally, if Min Hee-jin brought up NewJins in a press conference and then said something like that behind their backs, if it's true, it's a big wake-up call. But Hive is beyond a wake-up call, they're blinded by their short-term profit goals and don't see people as people.
  42. you idiot.
  43. Recreating and spreading gossip through Lexa, making negative articles to destabilize groups before their comeback, snooping into private KakaoTalk conversations and even touching on deceased family members, it's all just disgusting.
  44. Hive, disappear from the entertainment industry ^^
  45. Hive, go bankrupt.
  46. So childish and pathetic... Bringing in a civilian just to bring down a big company, and that's all they've got? It's hard to believe they have so little to attack with.
  47. Exactly.
  48. Take care.
  49. Hive doesn't even deserve a mention in comparison to NewJins, it's uncomfortable to compare them, but there's nothing else to see. Min Hee-jin is better.
  50. Down with Hive.
  51. Honestly, "disgusting" is the perfect word.
  52. All the close associates have the same opinion. Just looking at that is enough. Bang Si-hyuk, what are you really doing? Park Ji-won, what are you?
  53. Disgusting.
  54. Seriously, so because they want to destroy the group, they're not qualified to protect it? Who's insulting whom?
  55. The Hive side just hides behind Bla Anonymous and talks nonsense, while Min Hee-jin's close associates come out with their real names, which is different. It's impressive how they stand up against a big company.
  56. ☞55, Seriously, coming out with their real names and talking about it is completely different from not doing so.
  57. We'll boycott Hive forever.
  58. Because Min Hee-jin talked bad things on KakaoTalk, you want to curse her? Then we should also see what Bang Si-hyuk and Park Ji-won are talking about on KakaoTalk, for fairness, right? Let's see what the Hive executives are up to in their KakaoTalks.
  59. 😂😂😂 Accusing embezzlement without evidence and saying personal KakaoTalk messages were fabricated, that's the punchline.
  60. Hive really knows how to play dirty.
  61. Down with Hive.
  62. Pathetic.
  63. Disgusting.
  64. Of course, people who speak on NewJins' side all come out with their real names, right?
  65. 😢😢 Trying to take over the management rights, accusing of embezzlement, and now they're letting these kinds of words slide. It's not even funny anymore, saying their own album is fabricated as a personal conversation.

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